Van Dusen Family: Blog en-us (C) Van Dusen Family [email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 31 Dec 2022 01:34:00 GMT Sat, 31 Dec 2022 01:34:00 GMT Van Dusen Family: Blog 80 120 Idyllwild Our latest camping trip. We have really been using the campervan a lot. I love it and all the memories that came with it!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 21:27:24 GMT
Ian lost his first tooth! We were camping in Idyllwild and Ian bit into a hotdog and lost his first tooth!

It was so cool we were there with Sean and Nicole and Harper and Nolan to all experience it together!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 21:26:09 GMT
Ian Started Kindergarten and Reed's in Preschool! Last August Ian started Kindergarten virtually. In October he started going into school in-person 2x a week and just a couple weeks ago (April 12th) he started going back in-person 5 days a week!

Here's a pic of him on his first day in August -

Sid note: Ian broke his arm over the summer falling out of our campervan. Yeah we have a campervan now too.

In September Reed started preschool and he was SO EXCITED! I got tears dropping him off just tears of joy for him that he was able to go in and socialize. It was a long summer with COVID...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 21:24:45 GMT
Ian's in t-ball! I know it has been SOOOOO long. But I'm back.

What did we miss? COVID, Ian's in kindergarten, Reed's in preschool, I started my own business.....

Oh and Ian's in t-ball! I had so much fun taking pictures of him today!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 21:11:01 GMT
When visiting grandpa's... We visited Wade's dad the other day for his (and my) birthday celebration. Apparently at some point the boys were given the opportunity to explore grandpa's workshop and this is what followed... they were having so much fun! It was a complete mess but was all worth it because of all the fun they were having together. Love these boys <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 25 Oct 2019 20:56:29 GMT
Joshua Tree and Idyllwild In the beginning of October we did our annual Joshua Tree camping trip with Wade's cousin Nicole and her family. We look forward to it every year. This year we rented a converted camper van, the kids loved it! The first night we stayed in Idyllwild, just us. It was so much fun! The boys love camping and it's so fun to share with them!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 25 Oct 2019 20:54:27 GMT
Florida, Easter, Karate and more! Ian started karate classes last week and he loves it! We started a 5 class session, but I think we will keep him in for a while. He learns so many things from coordination and following direction and not to mention he gets his punching and kicking out of his system!! He's been SO into sword fighting lately, it's a bit exhausting! At his first class he had to break a board to get his belt - it was so cute and he was so excited! <3

When I say we're going to take a picture - "CHEESE!!!"

Wade picked Ian up from school one day and they went out to lunch and this is the picture he sent me. He's just getting so big. <3

I can't remember if I already posted this - but Reed wanted to wear his backpack one day when we were dropping off Ian at preschool. It was so cute I had to document it. And I'm glad I did, it's one of my most favorite recent pictures of them! He just wants to be like his big bro!

Everything super-hero, sword fighting, bad guys, and all.

Florida was a blast. Wade had a conference Tuesday-Friday but then Friday we hit the road and headed to the Florida Keys! We stayed a wonderful family-friendly resort on Duck Key and shared a villa with one of my good friends.

Easter Sunday - matching shirts from Grammy! <3

We met Bill and Christy at a Spring Festival down at a Botanical Garden down near them and Ian got to try out tree climbing equipment and swing. He loved it but when asked what he wanted to be when he grows up he still said a paleontologist. <3

My friend got tickets to Disney on Ice and I got to take Ian the other night. He was SO mesmerized by the show, and had so much fun! It was a very special evening to share with him - I'm not sure who had more fun, him or me.  Love this kid so so so much.

Reed Garrett. My goodness he melts my heart. He's so sweet, happy, and a very easy-going kid. His tantrums don't last long. Most of the time I just have to do is validate how he's feeling (say something like, "I know, you want more candy" after I wouldn't let him) and he just nods and calms down. You can tell TWO is coming, but he never is upset for long. He's got a different personality and I love watching that grow.

A couple of weeks ago he said goodbye to his pacifier. I'm so proud of him. He was so encouraged by pep talks of being a "big boy"... Wade and I would ask him, "are you a big boy?" and he would nod proudly and utter "uh-huh"... Ian also would come in and tell him he didn't need it, he was a big boy and I really think it made a difference. Of course, it took a few times of extra soothing before sleep, but by day 3 he was SO proud and went to sleep with no fuss! He actually thought it was funny to ask for his "ba-ba" and I'd say "you don't need a ba-ba anymore!" and he'd throw his head back and laugh.

And a couple weeks later, Wade and I decided it was time to start putting the boys to bed together. A small adjustment but felt like a big change - they are getting so big! We always put Reed to bed first since he was a baby, but Ian doesn't nap anymore and is tired earlier and Reed doesn't fall asleep right away when we put him to bed. Lots of times he's still awake when we walk Ian in... Ian also started sleeping in later in the mornings so I decided Ian needed an earlier bedtime and we would put them to bed together. They LOVE it. And it's easier for us, too! Brush teeth together, read books together - goodnight!!

The big brother chokehold hug! xoxoxox0

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 08 May 2019 13:51:09 GMT
Japatul This week we say goodbye to Wade's mom's house on Japatul. It was an emotional day, as the family spread ashes, and remembered loved ones. Here are some pictures of the day -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Apr 2019 03:29:34 GMT
Another Update! A message was passed down to me that Wade's grandma Betty asked why the blog isn't updated anymore. I just assumed that people weren't looking at the blog... so now I'm motivated once again to keep this thing going!

Let's see, Reed is now 21 months old and starting to say new words daily now. I just asked his doctor about his progress because I was a little concerned, but then the rest of the day I worked on writing down all the words he knows so I can really add them up and I figured out he knows more than 40 words! So I think we are ok for now... I'm just so busy it didn't seem like much or maybe in comparison to Ian. But at that rate he is on track with his speech. And then over the next couple of days he said new words - like he heard me talking about it and is trying to prove he can talk ;) He said buckle, cracker, and glasses! All new words since yesterday! (although the words sound more like bucka, caca, and gaga.... ha!)

I'll say it again - THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER I JUST LOVE THEM TO PIECES! See images below to see what I am talking about. <3 These boys just are so sweet together, it makes my heart so happy. The other day Ian's preschool director saw how sweet Ian was to Reed giving him a caring hug and she was so impressed and made sure to tell me I'm lucky. (I know, I know I'm lucky... I thank my lucky stars everyday for the life I have and my sweet boys. BUT the days can be hard and it's nice to hear - especially from a woman who cares for kids all day!)

Ian is becoming SUCH a big kid! His thoughts are becoming more advanced. Yesterday I asked him which he thought was further away from us, the moon or a hot air balloon. And he knew the answer and explained it pretty well, saying the hot air balloon was in the sky on Earth. He broke his arm last month, slipping on hardwood floor in his socks. But it was just a small fracture. He had to wear a brace for 4 weeks and it's already healed. He was a really a good sport about the entire thing.

The other day Reed wanted to wear his toy backpack (that we keep in the car) to preschool drop off and it was so freaking cute. He just wants to be like Ian. He pats his shoulder and says "backback" (aka backpack). Summer is around the corner and you can start to feel it in the weather and the longer days and I just know this is going to be such a fun summer in our new home/neighborhood with our friends and my parents so close now. I'm really looking forward to all the fun times ahead for us.

We are going to Florida in April and Palm Springs in May so I hope to update after those trips! Thanks for reading, and if you do, don't be afraid to mention it to me! Sometimes it feels like I'm just updating this for myself (and now I know my mom and Grandma Betty - woohoo!) so it's nice to know that people enjoy the updates! xo


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 18 Mar 2019 21:32:59 GMT
Updates It's been so long since I've updated! Reed is understanding so much these days, which causes frustration for him because he's only able to say a few words here and there and answer yes and no. He nods for "yes" which is the cutest thing because his nod is just awkward and bobbly and adorable.

It's been so cold lately, we are so ready for summer! Reed has been telling me when he wants me to wear him in a carrier, or we've been doing that again more lately. It's pretty cute that he can tell me.

Ian had his first sleepover with his cousin Maddox last weekend! They were SO excited! Ian finally fell asleep at 9:45 and Maddox 11!! Here is a picture of them from the monitor they are pretending to roast marshmallows over a pretend campfire. So cute!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Mar 2019 14:34:11 GMT
Reed I haven't updated about Reed in a long time. He's learned a few new words over the past week or so, including:

- Ian (sounds like EeeeA)

- Bowl

- This

- That

- Fish (doesn't sound like fish - more like esssgh)

- Book (with sign)

- Change (for diaper with sign)

- Please (with sign - sounds like eeeeeessh)

Other words he's said for a while include:

- Hat

- Bah bah (pacifier, because after he wakes up we always say "bye bye pacifier")

- Cheese

- Ball

- Dog

Here is a video of Reed saying "shoes"... (and more below)...

He is a really happy boy. He loves Ian so much. He wants to do whatever Ian is doing. I'm trying to teach him to not hit, push, grab, etc. which is difficult at this age! Ian is beyond patient with him. He literally never gets mad about it. He just calmly tells me, "mom, Reed's pushing me". 

I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm so very grateful for the two of them. And it just melts my heart to see them get along, have fun together, and not fight (although fighting DOES happen). The other day my friend Jenny was in the backseat between them, and she was pretending to sting them with a toy bug and Ian said "no, don't sting my brother".... I mean.... I just love them.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 03 Jan 2019 03:03:10 GMT
Family Photos Here are a few of my favorite photos from our family pictures we took in September. Our photographer was Alanna Farmer, she was great in case you want to use her!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 03 Jan 2019 02:34:01 GMT
Reed's First Haircut Reed's first OFFICIAL haircut! This last month or so, his hair was getting out of control. But his little curls in the back, his messy hair when he first wakes up.... I just had a hard time saying goodbye to those cute curls!! But it started getting in his eyes more, and I refused to trim his bangs again which would make hair just look more and more weird... so it was time. I was totally that mom who needed to be handed tissues in the kid's salon, but once she started chopping away, I was fine. He looks SO DIFFERENT with his haircut, I can't stop looking at him.  Here's some pics I took today!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 20 Nov 2018 22:12:29 GMT
Soccer Ian's loving being on a soccer team!! He's played 3 games so far and I'm so impressed on how much he's improved from his first game. The first game I'm pretty sure he just ran around, and seemed to have a hard time catching up (he's on a 4 year old team), the second game he was standing near the goal when the ball came near him and he kicked it in, but this last week he actually kicked the ball a decent way down the field to make a goal (twice!) even though he didn't score I was super impressed with how much he's picking it up. Go Ian!!! He's got a pretty loud cheering squad. Oh and his neighbor friend Andrew is on the team, they are such great buddies - it's the cutest!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:34:27 GMT
Halloween We had so much fun celebrating Halloween on our new street - I absolutely LOVE our new neighborhood!

These boots that used to be Wade's!!! <3

Ian and Reed sharing snacks, all on their own. Captured a sweet moment. <3

Ian at his Halloween parade at school.

Ian is totally in character on Halloween!

Does it get much cuter than this?????

Good thing we got dressed up because the parents on our street DO NOT mess around! It was such a fun night!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:30:23 GMT
Preschool Questionnaire I love doing these every year - I just went back and re-read his questionnaire from last year and I just love seeing what he said, and how his language has developed! Here's this year's:



3. WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? December (do you know what day?) What?



6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? Dino Dana and that new show I was just watching and that other new one that’s called Annedroids. Annedroids are people that are kinda like people but they are not and they are kinda like robots.

7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? Soccer and baseball

8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY? December, my birthday, Christmas, snow and Halloween and I can’t think of any other ones, so can you help me?

9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? Um um um that stranger book (Bernstein bears)

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TOY? The matching game


12. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? Play on the playground and go to the library

13. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? A champion, i learned that word.

14. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU ARE AFRAID OF? When i was two years old I was scared of those scary bad whales then I learned that whales aren’t bad, they’re nice.

15. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BROTHER - Reed likes taking my candy and likes screaming a lot and hits me and that’s not nice.

16. WHAT IS MY NAME? Laura

17. WHAT IS DAD’S NAME? Dad. Wade.

18. WHAT ARE YOUR TEACHERS NAMES? Ms. Cathy, Ms. Laura and Ms. Frankie and Ms. Jerry she comes in some days, and Ms. Cathy and Ms. Frankie and Ms. Laura and Ms. Jerry and umm hmm and Ms. Clearly, there’s no one named Ms. Clearly. I can’t think of any other teachers.



[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:23:08 GMT
October! We are well into October! I had a wonderful birthday celebration with my family, I've been fighting a nasty cold that is finally on it's way out! Halloween decorations are up, we've done the pumpkin patch with Leah and the kids, and the Halloween costumes are on their way!


Reed is learning new words all the time! This morning he had a wet diaper that I had bundled up and set aside in his hands and I told him it was "trash".... he walked all the way to the kitchen (looking back a few times to hear me say "trash" again) and he went all the way to the cupboard, opened it up and threw it away in the trash can! I have NEVER explained trash to him, pointed out where the trash was, or anything. He observes SO MUCH - I forget how much and it's crazy to me when he does things like this out of the blue! He gives kisses now and can be so cuddly! I try all day long to think of different ways to get him to NOT DO STUFF without saying NO all day long. He's into EVERYTHING!!! But I love him like crazy - he just keeps me busy! <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:56:20 GMT
Updates My posts are getting fewer and fewer - but here's an update!!

Last weekend we visited at Sean and Nicole's to celebrate Wade's grandma's birthday. The kids had such a great time, I love seeing them all together!

O ur get togethers with our friends are becoming weekly - or more! - since we've moved up to Encinitas. Love our crew, everyone is getting so big!

I took the boys to a fire station a couple weeks ago. Ian was in heaven!! He even got to use a fire hose, he was so serious the entire time, of course.

Ian had swim lessons on and off this summer because we were SO busy! But the last two months he's really improved, I think by next summer he will be a swimmer! Just gotta start him in the spring - he loves it!!!

Ian has been wanting to learn how to use a knife - he's getting so big!

When your friends try to help your kid out with that hair that keeps falling in his eyes! Ha!

Enjoying the nice weather now that all the tourists are gone! Love our new neighborhood!! It's SO CLOSE to the beach!

Wade's dad built this house for the San Diego Fair and now we get to use it!! Wade set it up a couple weekends ago - they boys were SO excited! 



One of Ian's favorite new parks nearby - he pretends he's on a ship or boat like Moana. So cute. Every so often he'd say the ship's not working and he'd climb to the top to "fix" it. Reed loved it too!

Ian's nap time post-move has evolved into "relaxing time"... he's pretty much not falling asleep anymore but every so often he does, and it's so cute to walk into him sleeping like this, surrounded by all his books. :)

Reed wanting to be just like his big brother! <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 26 Sep 2018 17:33:06 GMT
Videos I was hoping to catch Reed saying ball "bah", but he didn't say it in this video. But still a cute video of the boys playing. 

Also, Ian took swim lessons in April, and then didn't take them again till mid July because of our vacation and move. I was hoping to have him learn to swim this summer but I'm not sure how realistic that is anymore. I may just keep him in lessons through the winter, he loves it and it couldn't hurt. Anyways, here's a video of him in class the other day. He has a lot to learn still, as you can see from this video, but I really do notice improvement every week.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:35:40 GMT
Summer has come and gone. This summer moved by FAST. Between our Europe trip and moving, it flew by. Reed turned ONE, started walking, and we are loving our new home. Here are some recent pictures. Ian just went to his new dentist and again was a star patient. Reed was walking around and would stop every so often and stare at Ian on the chair like, "hey, what's going on up there with my brother?!". We enjoyed a Padres game last weekend with a suite with friends - it was so much fun!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:32:45 GMT
BROTHERS!! I love that they are brothers. I love watching their relationship grow. It gives me peace to know they will always have each other. <3

I finally got some pictures of the boys. What else can I say to update? Ian is clever as ever, asking questions and stumping me daily. He likes being silly and making up his own silly jokes, or doing something silly and then saying "I'm just kidding," while batting his hand in the air. He loves his new preschool and has adjusted to the new house marvelously. 

Reed is now saying - mama, ball ("ba"), dada, Kyla, more ("mo"), and no. He is the perfect addition to our family - warms my heart and keeps me smiling. He loves trying to keep up with Ian now that he is walking!

I am grateful DAILY for this life that I have, the time that I have with these sons of mine, no matter how long and difficult the days may seem. I don't take any of it for granted. I am ONE. LUCKY. LADY. <3

When we were back by the car, Reed randomly walked up to Ian and gave him a hug. I mean.... <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:33:35 GMT
San Clemente Camping We camped with friends last weekend at San Clemente for Reed's first birthday. I don't know why I don't have ANY pictures of any of them, but there were 5 other families at the campsite, plus Sean and Nicole (Wade's cousin) camped at our site Friday and Saturday night. It was so much fun, I'd love to make it an annual thing. The boys had a blast, Reed was a tough age since he's not walking yet (or at least wasn't walking at the time) and therefor if he's on the ground he just gets filthy... but I borrowed a play pen and wore him in the Ergo a lot and managed just fine. Ian would want in the play pen to play with Reed - it's really great seeing them start to play together. Friday and Saturday we went down to the beach for most of the day (or at least some of us), and Ian loved the ocean. The waves were strong so someone literally had to be right by him or he'd get swept back out to the sea - but I think he enjoyed the rough waves and ran in and out of the waves for hours! We all sang happy birthday to Reed a the campsite (barely made it before he crashed before bedtime) and when everyone started singing he was just in awe staring at everyone singing to him. I forgot how Ian did that on his first birthday, too.

Oh and Kyla came on the trip, too! The perfect MELLOW camping dog! I love our camping adventures and it's so fun to be able to share these experiences with our boys now, too!


Wagon rides around the campsite are a true highlight of the trip (as well as bike rides for Ian).

Reed Garrett on his first birthday - as cute as can be!!

This is why it's so hard getting pictures lately - here's what Ian will do (among a hundred other things) when we try to take a group picture. <insert eye roll>

We celebrated again when we got home on Sunday with Enid and Whitney and she brought the most delicious cake from Everything Bunt Cake - so yummy!! 

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 10 Jul 2018 01:59:51 GMT
12 Months!!! And just like that, Reed is one year old. My last baby isn't a baby anymore. But it's so fun watching him grow! This last month has been SO busy. With Europe, and buying a house, and then camping for his birthday... it's been a whirlwind. This past month he's done so much! He's progressed with walking from taking a few steps between us when encouraged, and just a few days ago (about a week after his birthday) he started walking between object or off on his own! Yesterday I watched him (without him knowing) walk from his dresser all the way over to his crib on the other side of the room. He's literally getting better by the day and it's only a matter of time till he's fully walking and chasing Ian around! He's also started talking. His first word was "mama"! He also says "up" and "hi". He waves bye now all the time. Even when I'm holding him and starting to say our goodbyes (before anyone has actually said 'goodbye') he starts waving his hand. He's starting to play with more complex toys. There's this toy where you put these chips in the dinosaur's mouth and it takes fine motor skills and he's able to do it. He also wants to hold a spoon or fork when he eats now, which makes a mess but hey one day he'll have it down! He's upgraded to a big boy car seat which makes our car travels SO much better. He and Ian are really starting to play together now, and it's the best thing in this world to watch them loving each other, and playing together. I know it might not always stay this way, but it's they get along so well. Ian is the best big brother. He loves Reed so much, hugs him and tells him that himself all the time, he's gentle with him, loves trying to get Reed to play, they make each other laugh, it's just the best. I'm really excited to see what the next year has in store for us. <3

Finally! A picture of them together both looking at the camera!! It's a miracle!!!!

I keep this picture in because they are making such a similar face at the same time - and they look so alike (other than their noses)!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 09 Jul 2018 15:55:41 GMT
Europe! We made it back and survived! Ian and Reed are such great travelers, especially given their ages. The trip was absolutely amazing, we saw so much, and made memories I will never forget... and hopefully Ian, too! It was exhausting, I'm not gonna lie. The travel and flights there and back were so long, I didn't do the math but it was probably 22 hours of travel time with layovers in London both ways. Good news is Ian can watch the iPad for hours on end, and Reed slept most of the time... after some work on the way back (he was so tired it took about an hour to get my fussy baby to finally fall asleep!). The time change was another challenge - 9 hours time difference. It took about a week to adjust once we got to Eruope, and about 5 days once we got back. I feel like I could write a book about traveling with children!!

But besides all that, we had a great time. We spent the first 7 days in Copenhagen, Denmark. We rented a great apartment that was close to everything. It was great to stay in one place for so long till everyone got adjusted to the new time. Our apartment also had a playground in the back so it was perfect for the kids! We bought a Copenhagen card that covered access to the bus, metro, and numerous museums in town. We took Ian to the aquarium, children's museum, a dinosaur museum and the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world - Trivloi Gardens!

My sister and her family and my mom and dad flew out the last few days we were there. We met up each day and then all headed on a train to Germany. We stayed in Germany for 5 days and enjoyed the countryside! We visited my dad's old neighbor and childhood friend, Casten. He still lives next door with his wife, and his son and his family. They are such great people, so welcoming and great hosts, it was a great experience. They also have grandchildren, so they had so much for the kids to play with on our visits! Next we drove to The Netherlands. Stopped off for 2 nights in the CUTEST little canal town, Dokkum. It was such a cute place, perfect for a couple night's stay. Then our final destination was outside of Amsterdam. It was a nice bed and breakfast house in a little weird hippy community of different rentals. But it was a short 20 minute drive into the city, which Wade and I did two days. And on the final day we visited a local castle.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my camera, to see the entire album, click here!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 28 Jun 2018 02:00:28 GMT
11 Months!!! Oh boy! 11 months... one more month and he'll be ONE!! As I write this (5 days early of his 11 month milestone) we are leaving for our Europe vacation tomorrow.  But I'm so glad I remembered to squeeze this in - and get the photos!

Reed's learned to wave "bye-bye", and sometimes wave "hi", he's using signs more for "milk" and "all done"... When he wakes up from his naps or in the morning he drops his lovey into the crib and his pacifier and we wave "bye-bye" to them. He an expert at cruising around furniture but is still not very interested in practicing taking steps. He has bendy legs and defaults back to the floor to crawl, but I know he'll get there when he is ready!

He is such a happy baby and we love him to pieces! Watching him grow into the little person he is going to become, and develop a relationship with his brother has been so rewarding!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 24 May 2018 17:02:26 GMT
10 Months! I have a problem - I cannot narrow down these pictures of Reed. So, below - enjoy 17 pictures of slightly different versions of adorable baby Reed. I'm sorry, I know he's mine and I'm biased. But he's- just. so. adorable!!

10 months has flown by. He's SUCH a great sleeper. He might even be a better sleeper than Ian, which I wasn't even sure could be possible. I'm not sure if it's genes, or that I can take any credit for instilling great sleep habits, but it doesn't matter. He's just a good sleeper and I'm so grateful. Sleeps allll they way through the night (has since 9 months - finally!!), naps an hour twice a day (FINALLY more than 30 minutes!), and he's such an independent sleeper. Ian used to cry when I would walk out of the room. He required back rubbing, tip-toeing and a multitude of other tricks. Reed just rolls over and falls asleep, or rolls around till he falls asleep on his own. On our Mexico trip we brought the travel tent for him to sleep in, and I'd just zip it up up and he'd watch me walk out of the room - no problems. With Ian, I'd have to zip that damn thing up so slowly so to not wake him up I hated that darn zipper. Anyways, I'd hate to jinx myself, and I know everything comes and goes in phases, but for now I'm so happy with where we are.

Nothing has changed much. I thought Reed would 100% be walking by now since he was such an early crawler, but he's still cruising on those hands and knees. We practice walking but he usually gets over it and wants to go back down to his knees, and so I figure don't rush it. He loves food and eats a ton. He has his next set of top teeth poking through (you can see in some photos below). He's hardly fussed over this last set of teeth coming in. He's such a happy baby. People always comment on how smiley he is, and he really rarely cries. He only cries when I put him in his car seat (he hates it at first), and when he's tired or hungry. The other night we went to Ikea (to get Ian a BIG BOY twin bed) and kept Reed out later than normal. He cried the way home and it was so odd because he's normally so happy and only gets upset when we push him past his limits. He's started using sign language - milk, and all done, and shakes his head yes and no - it's so cute! We just love him to pieces and the fact that one year is creeping up on us could just bring tears to my eyes!! Time slow down!!!! <3

And now, enjoy this plethora of Reed pictures ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 04 May 2018 03:34:42 GMT
Puerto Vallarta! We just vacationed for a week north of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We rented a beach-side home with 3 other families and it was so much fun!! This house is amazing and so accommodating to multiple families (each bedroom has it's own master bathroom, cleaning service everyday, concierge who was SO helpful and got our groceries for us!!)... We are very grateful to have such great friends in our lives. The boys had a blast - there was lots of swimming in the pool and beach, and town was just a short walk away! Wade did a bike tour of the town one day, and I got to go surf one day which was SO much fun. We hope to be back at this spot!

The day we arrived was baby Isla's 1st birthday, so we celebrated with a Pinata!

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I think I made it into 2 pictures from the whole trip!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 26 Apr 2018 16:41:43 GMT
Baby Reed Here's a couple videos of baby Reed. The first is just baby giggles, and the second is us at the playground at the mall the other day. I showed him how to go down the slide and he was so proud of himself when he got to the bottom. Of course when I got out my phone to video it, he wasn't all babbling/chirping at the bottom of the slide with pride like he had been, but it's still a cute video.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 06 Apr 2018 04:39:40 GMT
Baseball Season Wade went to the Padres Opening Day last week and while Wade was gone, all Ian wanted to do was "play Padres". He said he didn't need the baseball T and wanted me to pitch it to him. He's pretty much never done this before, but wanted to try over and over again and he actually got the hang of it pretty good after 5-10 minutes. I took a little video, caught a couple of his hits!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 06 Apr 2018 04:37:55 GMT
9 Months! These monthly pictures creep up on me! A little late, but Reed is 9 MONTHS!! He has one top tooth that's poked through, and the other is just coming through the gums. He's sleeping through the night and FINALLY napping more than 30 minutes. He babbles a lot and laughs when I mimic him back. Today we were saying "Aba" back and forth and he thought it was so funny! He's eating food like a champ. No more baby food for this guy, he wants what we are eating. He eats noodles, green beans, toast, fruit, chicken, quesadilla, you name it. It's nice because he's great with his grip (perfected his pointer finger and thumb 'pinch' grip) and can feed himself more.

He absolutely LOVES his brother. Ian can SO easily make him smile, it's heart warming to watch. And Ian is such a great big brother, he loves to make him laugh, gives him hugs, every so often he'll say "aww he's so cute". The other day Reed woke up from a nap and Ian asked if he could go check on him, so I said yes. I heard him in his room talking to Reed, and Ian came running back to update me that he put a pacifier in his mouth. Then I heard Ian go back to Reed's room and say, "It's ok I'm here now" (because Reed had started crying again). Then when I went in to check on them Ian was reading him books and said to me, "no, I don't need you". He wanted some time alone with his brother. It was so cute.

Ok, on with Reed. He's into EVERYTHING. I can not keep up with this kid, he wears me out. He crawls FAST. He's crawling and getting into one thing from the other. Doing something like brushing Ian's teeth requires me to relocate Reed at least 5 times. He's either getting up into the toilet (or around the bottom which just grosses me out), getting into a trash can, pulling Ian's books down, pulling on Ian's hamper, or plant stand. I use the pack'n'play 1,000 times more for Reed than I ever did for Ian. He's worth every SECOND of the hard work, and seeing his sweet smile just melts my heart. He's a special one and I love watching his personality develop.

9 Month checkup: 20 lbs 1.6 oz, 27.8 inches

Ignore the hairy dog bed he's on. He loved crawling up on this and I couldn't resist snapping a picture.

I need to get better at taking pictures of them TOGETHER - but it's so hard. Neither one stops moving, Ian hardly poses for pictures anymore. But I'm going to keep trying. It's my goal to take more of them together before Reed turns one!

Reed was being SUCH a ham for the camera, check out these last two pictures - especially the last one. It makes me laugh!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 06 Apr 2018 03:52:59 GMT
8 Months! 8 months... flew by and also went by so slowly it's hard to believe you can feel so differently about time passing all at once. I'm trying so hard to cherish every moment, I know this time is so fleeting.

Reed is cruising along furniture with better balance. There are times where he's not even really hanging on, but he keeps his balance without falling over. If he falls backwards, he manages to land it on his butt and kind of gracefully roll to a crawling position. For the longest time I wasn't sure if he could sit, because he never liked to try. He'd just get back to crawling immediately. But I think it's safe to say he can officially sit now without help, although he literally never sits for longer than maybe 10 seconds (in the bathtub he'll sit for the longest, maybe a minute).

He's getting into EVERYTHING. I finally moved a plant outside because I just couldn't keep on top of him, and he was constantly pulling the moss out of the plant and making a huge mess. Now he just crawls around the room pulling toys and books and for me to pick up... he keeps me busy! He's also using a walker really well, he'll crawl up to it on his own and just start pushing it across the room with the proudest beaming smile on his face.

He's babbling a ton. He says "mama" a lot, and I'm not 100% sure if he knows the meaning, but I think he might. Other sounds include "ba, da, ga" and raspberry noises. His top teeth started to come in, one is all the way through now. He loves food and is eating more and more and different kinds everyday. He's really into finger foods now and doesn't like to be spoon fed anymore at all. He loves meat, carrots, sweet potato, zucchini, pears, banana, avocado, smoothies... almost everything I offer him, really. It will be interesting to see how much he weighs at his 9 month appointment! I included way too many pictures below, but I just couldn't narrow them down, so here you go -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 08 Mar 2018 03:29:08 GMT
Ian's First Time in the Snow It snowed in the local mountains a couple of weeks ago and last week I last minute decided to meet a friend up in Julian for the day. It was so much fun - we just missed Wade, though. But Ian loved it! He made a snowman, had snowball fights, and went sledding down a little hill with his friends. Then topped off the day with some hot chocolate, just in time to head back down the mountain for lunch in the car. It was a quick trip, but both kids were great in the car and it was so worth it to see Ian having such a blast!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 08 Mar 2018 03:15:42 GMT
Our boys <3 Our boys are growing too fast. I wanted to take lots of pictures of Reed at 6 months, before he all of a sudden isn't "baby" anymore. I finally got around to it before he turned 8 months - good enough! He was a hard subject because he was SO wiggly - but I love all the pictures I got! And of course I got some great ones of big brother, too.

To see all the pictures, click here.

I couldn't resist a butt picture!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 25 Feb 2018 03:21:44 GMT
More videos I've been trying to use our camera for video, in hopes that I can capture some of these memories... and not just tiny clips here and there. As I'm posting this, I actually don't remember what exactly these videos contain. I do remember that Ian was telling me what to do while he was dancing, and I just played along. For the record, I don't let him boss me around all day long! Ha!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 25 Feb 2018 03:21:37 GMT
7 Months!! Another month flew by! I feel like I've posted a lot about his newest accomplishments, but to make things easier for his baby book - I'm going to write them all down here!

Shortly after he turned 6 months, he started crawling!! One week later, he was pulling himself up on baskets and stools, and then furniture! He's practicing all the time, and getting stronger everyday. He's less wobbly and has even attempted to take steps when you hold both of his hands. He babbles a lot, ba and ma sounds mostly. And vibrating his lips together "bbbbbbb" sounds. He's able to grasp some food, cheerios mostly, and put it in his mouth. And he smiles at almost anything his big brother does... He is the most smiley baby. I thought Ian was happy, and he was. He was easy and happy. But Reed is so easy to make smile. It's so endearing. He a tough guy, too. Not much makes him cry, unless he's tired or hungry. He is just the most perfect addition to our family. We love you, Reed Garrett!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 02 Feb 2018 23:26:17 GMT
Miniature Golf We took Ian a couple weekends ago miniature golfing and he LOVED it! It was so cute, here's some video!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 01 Feb 2018 03:02:41 GMT
Standing Up! As I mentioned, about 1 week after crawling, Reed started pulling himself up. First it was pulling himself up on things like stools, then within days, it was taller things, like the couch and coffee table! We lowered his crib mattress and a few days later, I came in to find him standing up in his crib! He literally practices standing and trying to move while holding on ALL DAY LONG. He doesn't stop. It's actually really cool watching him work at it and get better. After a couple of weeks, he's gotten stronger, and can hold on with one hand and reach for another surface area to hold onto. He's able to slowly move around furniture, but he doesn't quite have the hang of it yet. Soon!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 30 Jan 2018 21:37:58 GMT
Ian Questionnaire I finally got around to doing a preschool questionnaire with Ian! Here it is!

1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Ian Van Dusen


3. WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? I don’t know.

4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I like strawberries and apples



7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? I don’t know what is sport? I like surfing.


9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? I like Daniel Tiger book

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TOY? I don’t know - a garbage truck!


12. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? I like to be a construction worker

13. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? I want to be a construction worker

14. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU ARE AFRAID OF? I’m not scared, there’s going to be something on the slope, tall like you standing up, and I’m going to tell you “mom, there’s something scary on the slope”.


16. WHAT IS MY NAME? Laura Van Dusen

17. WHAT IS DAD’S NAME? Daddy Van Dusen

18. WHAT ARE YOUR TEACHERS NAMES? Mrs. Janina and Miss. Allison


20. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE VACATION? camping, that’s why I love camping


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 17 Jan 2018 17:29:22 GMT
Rocketman This video is so cute to me. The other day Wade and Ian were building a rocket ship together out of cardboard. Then Ian decided he wanted to deliver "a letter" to me from outer space. I caught it on video -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 17 Jan 2018 17:05:24 GMT
Gymnastics! We enrolled Ian in gymnastics! He had his first class this week and he loved it! He was the youngest student, but I was impressed watching him to see how well he followed instructions! It was so cute watching him, every so often he'd look over at us to see if we were watching. I'd wave and he'd wave back and say lightly "hi mom". Melted my heart. He's getting so big!

Of course, I had to take a few of Reed, too!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 10 Jan 2018 23:49:47 GMT
6 Months!! I cannot believe Reed is 6 months old!! He's SO close to crawling. He's been rocking back and forth on his hands and knees since the beginning of December. He's learned to finally  move his arms (the last few days), but still practicing all the time! He usually can get a few paces then flops onto his belly. He's close to sitting on his own, too. He crawls then props himself up on one arm a lot. He's babbling a ton, laughing at his big brother, and sleeping so well at night! Eating food made a huge difference. His first food was banana. The days he eats well, he's been sleeping all night long with no feedings! So far he's eaten sweet potato, sweet potato and carrot combo, bananas, and peas (didn't like), and mango (didn't like). He's such a happy, smiley baby. He smiles allll day long. I just love him to pieces. He's also started taking interest in Ian's toys which is a new stage, but Ian mostly is a great sport (with a little encouragement). This age is so fun, I don't want it to end!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Jan 2018 04:27:11 GMT
Ian's 3rd Birthday!! I can't believe Ian's 3! Wade took the day off work and we spent the morning at the zoo. Then after his nap, Leah and Chris and family came over for presents and cake. He's such a little person now, of course he's not perfect, but he's so well behaved. He's polite, thoughtful, loving, kind, silly (quite the joke teller), and I'm so proud of the little boy he's become.

After their baths I tried getting a picture of them in their matching jammies in front of the tree. The out-takes are mostly funny. Reed is actually looking great in some, and at the camera, but Ian has his "cheese" face - which I'm not a fan of... I'll try another time!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 08 Dec 2017 17:33:55 GMT
4 Months! I've fallen behind. October was a busy month. Reed turned 4 months and then we were off to visit my parents in New York. Then back for a week and then we were off on vacation to Hawaii. I'll post about those next. Here are Reed's 4 month photos! In this last month he started rolling over from back to stomach (still practicing and working on it, but he can do it), grasping things and putting them in his mouth, getting bigger by the day, and he STARES at his older brother. Watching those two together is starting to get really, really fun.

4 Month Checkup: 15 lbs, 13 oz, 25 3/4"

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 25 Nov 2017 06:11:15 GMT
3 Months! Reed is 3 months!! He's more and more alert, is batting at things with his hands, laughs little giggles, and is rolling over from stomach to back. He's a much happier (and less gassy) baby since I stopped eating dairy, and he is a much better sleeper at night because of it! He's up 2-3 times a night, which is a DRASTIC improvement from before. He's such a good baby, I'm one lucky mama!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 03 Oct 2017 21:46:18 GMT
Ian's First Day of Preschool!! I can't believe it but Ian had his first day of PRESCHOOL today!! He's so ready, it actually makes me very proud.

Last week we met his teachers, and had a "phase-in" day with his class where the parents could be there. He didn't even care that I was there. Not once did he look worried or look around for me. He was so excited to play, he went straight for a train set. Then I decided I'd leave him for a while to see how he does, so when I went up to him and told him I was leaving for a bit and I'd be back, his response was - "I want to go to the playground" (outside area). Me leaving didn't phase him at all. I came back after about 15 minutes just in time to see them all lined up and washing their hands, and have snack time. It was so cute. When he saw me again for the first time, again, he didn't even seem to care. Seeing him be so independent made me so proud. I was texting Wade about it and he texted me back, "you did a good job raising a little independent boy"... which nearly made me cry my eyes out right there. One of the best compliments I've received. That night when I put Ian to bed he said "mommy I want to go back to preschool."

And here we are! September 12th - his first official day. He was so excited this morning, and the drop off went so smooth. He knew exactly which cubby to drop off his bag at, and I took him in to the potty, washed his hands and then walked him to his class in the story room. He sat right down, I told him I'd be back later to get him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and left. And that was that. He didn't even flinch. I'm so proud of him, and so happy that he's so ready for this. It's only been an hour and a half since he's been gone... it's so weird not having a little chatterbox talking to me all day long!

His first day -

Waiting our turn to check-in!


And here are some pics of his phase-in day last week!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 12 Sep 2017 17:43:21 GMT
9 Weeks! His sleeping at night is awful, he is super gassy... but I might be on to something.... could it be dairy??? I'll keep you posted!

In the meantime, here are some cute pictures!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 10 Sep 2017 18:51:53 GMT
2 Months! Reed is TWO months old!!!! He's smiling and cooing and he give the biggest gummy smiles back to me - they are the best! His sleeping has been rough, he still has a lot of bad nights where we are up a lot. He spits up a lot so I think his waking has to do with him being gassy, uncomfortable, and needing to be burped. I just took him to the doctor for his checkup, and everything looked good with him though so that's good. The doctor suggested I elevate his crib by his head, and I did and last night he slept GREAT!! He woke up only at 1:30 and 5am - I was so happy!! I'm not counting on it lasting though, but it would be nice if it was a more common trend. :)

Here are his checkup stats (he's getting so big!!):

Weight: 12 pounds, 3 ounces (44%), height: 23 1/4" (58%), head: 39 1/2" (59%)

I just loved the looks on his face in these, so I had to keep them! He reminds me of my dad here...

And proud big brother had to get in the mix!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 02 Sep 2017 02:22:35 GMT
More Pictures It wasn't blazing hot last week, so I got dress him in cozy jammies and this cute beanie!

More smiles!!

Sleeping angle -

He looks SO much like Ian to me in this pic -

I'm still not used to holding BOTH my children. I love it and my heart melts. I love being a mom of two, even if I'm so exhausted I don't know which way is up sometimes. It will pass, and they won't want to cuddle with me anymore. So for now, I'm going to soak this up as much as I can. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:48:02 GMT
Reed Pictures He's putting on weight, fast! <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:44:31 GMT
Preschool Prep Ian starts preschool in a couple weeks, and this morning we had a Parent/Teacher/Child meeting where he got to visit his preschool and meet his teachers! It went so well. Ian was very excited, and once we walked in he walked around and started playing with the toys they had out. He liked his teachers, one of them showed him the bathroom and he came running back to us telling us there was an "Ian-sized sink". The teachers were really nice, I think he's definitely ready for his first day. Question is - am I?! Next week there is a Parent Orientation, and a Phase-In day for the class where the parents can stay. Then the week after that is his first day!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:43:52 GMT
Reed Smiles and more! Reed has started to give the tiny-est of smiles, but still - smiles! I included some blurry photos below that kind of capture it, but I couldn't really get a good one. I must be honest, after countless sleepless nights, it will be so nice to have a nice smiling baby to interact with. I love him so much.

I've been trying to get back into exercising, and hiking Torrey Pines is one of my favorite ways to do it! There's a huge hill in the beginning and I carry both boys - it's quite the workout! Then we walk back on the beach so the kids can run around some more! Here's a pic from this week, I have quite the group of friends... I'm so glad they all have the same interests and feel very lucky to have met this group of ladies!

Every time I do tummy time with Reed (several times a day), Ian has to be involved. He gets down, talks to him, puts his arm around him, and then eventually tells me "he's crying mom, save him". He's such a sweet big brother. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:49:01 GMT
Ian the Little Conversationalist I haven't updated much about Ian lately. He is FULL ON talking now. There's pretty nothing he can't say. He's making complete sentences, correct grammar, and it's so funny to hear the things he has to say. Yesterday we were in the car and I had the AC blasting and he said "it's freezing in here!" I have no idea where he learned that phrase. He can tell me things like details about dreams he had, things he saw when he was away from me, things that other kids said to him, it's just so cool.

He's become a master of jokes and silly names. One of his favorite snacks is edemame and he started calling me "edemommy", he calls Wade "daddy Wade"... I can't think of any more off the top of my head but I'm writing this a bit rushed since I'm tight on time.

He's learned so many words in Spanish, he has been able to count to 10 for a long time now, in English and Spanish, I think he can count higher? Wade says he's gone up to 15 in Spanish. He's just mastered his ABC's, he knows his shapes and colors.

Here's some chopped up video of him saying the ABC's and playing baseball with Wade. Oh and picking potatoes from our garden!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 06 Aug 2017 00:45:10 GMT
Big Brother Ian Ian is the best big brother. He shows nothing but interest and love for Reed. He always wants to help, say "oh hi" or pat him on the head. He still calls him Bunky or Blankey, especially when people ask him what his brother's name is. He's always very good about waiting when I need to tend to Reed, or hurry up and do something (i.e. go potty) so I can attend to Reed after. He loves doing tummy time with him, it's so cute to see them together. It makes me so happy to know that they will have each other for life.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 06 Aug 2017 00:37:51 GMT
One Month One month has flown by!! Reed's one month checkup went great! He's 9 pounds 4 ounces now, 22.5 inches, and getting so much bigger! We have a new pediatrician now and I didn't get the percentages but in a nutshell: he's a little less than 50th percentile in weight, about 85% in height, and his head is about average. So far he's a great baby, with the exception of a few fussy phases (week 3 he was pretty fussy and I was the only one who could sooth him). But he overall has great temperament, he's sleeping pretty well at night - waking up for feedings and going right back down to sleep in the co-sleeper. He wakes up mostly every 2-3 hours at night, so anywhere between 2-4 times a night. I've read it gets easier after 6 weeks... fingers crossed. Of course, I don't remember any of this from when Ian was this young.

He reminds me SO much of Ian - they look so much alike! I can tell smiles will be coming soon - I cannot wait! He's becoming more and more alert during the day.



[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 06 Aug 2017 00:28:39 GMT
More Reed Pictures I finally got around to uploading/editing some of my photos!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 21 Jul 2017 21:48:38 GMT
Back in the Hospital When Reed was 9 days old, on a Saturday afternoon, he ran a fever of 101.7. Babies with a fever over 100.4 (if they are under 60 days old), are to be brought to the ER. So, within minutes, Wade and I left to take Reed to the ER. Once we got there, his fever had disappeared and we both thought we'd be home in time for dinner. About an hour later, we were checked in, and the ER doctor recommended protocol for newborns with fevers - run blood work, urine tests, and spinal tap. They also needed to run an IV to give him fluids and start antibiotics. I was worried sick. All I could do was stare at him and try not to think about loosing him. I did my best to stay calm, of course we agreed to take all precautions, and hoped for the best. I won't go into details of how many times they poked his tiny little arms, or the catheter they had to do 3 times, or how heartbreaking it was to have to pin him down for these tests. Long story short, after spending hours in the ER, around midnight Reed and I rode in an ambulance to Rady Children's Hospital for 48 hours of observation. The great news is, he will be fine. The tests came back positive for Viral Meningitis, and his body would fight it off. I'm happy to say he's 15 days old as I write this, and he's doing just fine. The whole experience put everything into perspective, I am ever so grateful for his health.

I didn't have the heart to take hardly any pictures during the whole experience, but here are a few. He already has lived quite an eventful life. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 21 Jul 2017 21:12:48 GMT
Baby Reed is Here!!!!! I'm so excited to say, he's here!! Reed Garrett Van Dusen born June 29th at 2:13pm, 6 pounds 14 ounces, 20 inches long. I feel like I've been waiting for sooooo long for him to arrive. This pregnancy was way different that my first. More emotional, and overall more exhausting. But SO worth it (of course). My mom flew in on June 20th, my due date was June 22nd, and just like that I was a week late. My doctor wanted to induce me on the 29th if I hadn't had him by then. I was pretty confident he would come on his own before then. But he didn't. I was really reluctant to be induced, I just envisioned him coming on his own, and the night before our appointment at the hospital I was hit with all kinds of emotions. But, I knew I didn't want to wait any longer and it all worked out for the best. It just so happens that the day before I delivered him, I had barely felt him move. I had to call in to the on-call doctor because his movements just weren't as strong and frequent as they normally were - one of the main things they ask the mom to pay attention to (especially if you're close to your due date). Anyways, the next morning at the hospital, my doctor said it's a good thing we were inducing, she was worried to hear I called in the night before and it was best to get the baby out that day. So that was it. That's how it happened. I checked in to the hospital, signed some paperwork, and they began inducing labor (with injections of pitocin) around 8:30am. My contractions weren't really progressing, so an hour or so later, my doctor broke my water. Within 30 minutes the contractions progressed, and very fast. I asked for the epidural just in time, it was unbearable by the time it kicked in. I remember looking at Wade and getting teary-eyed saying that I just couldn't wait to hold him. I think I rested for 10 minutes, and the nurses came in and said I was ready to go. I could feel the contractions and him coming, I pushed during 3 contractions and he was out! He was all purple when he came out and they had to rub him really good to get him pink. He was so cute. I never knew my heart could hold so much love. As I write this, he is 4 days old. He's a great baby so far, feeding really well, hardly fusses, and is as cute as can be! He reminds me SO much of Ian when he was born. I think they look very similar.

The next day, Wade brought Ian to the hospital so we could all go home together - I hope a memory I will always hold onto strongly. Ian came running in with a stuffed animal gift for his baby brother, stopped by the side of my hospital bed and just stared at him. His face seemed blank to me at the time, but my friend was there to capture pictures, and looking at the photo, I can read so much on his little face. It was sinking in, and you can see it all over his face. Fascination, wonder, awe. It makes me tear to look at that photo, I love it. Ian got a gift from baby brother, a back-hoe loader which he LOVED. He got to hold him and was so excited to ride home with him (after he tried asking to stay at the hospital). On the car ride home he started saying "look baby brother" and pointing things out to him out the window. It melts my heart.

My heart is so, so, so full.

Here's a link to more photos by our friend, Christine Damman - click here.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 03 Jul 2017 22:23:51 GMT
Almost Time for Baby #2!! You guys. It's getting close. Any day now. Well, at least sometime in the next week or so...

He's moving a lot and I'm so excited I just can not wait to meet this little guy. To hold him, to stare at his face, to kiss his forehead, to show him to Ian. I just know my heart is going to explode. I think I'm most excited about seeing Ian with him, I think he's going to be so excited to FINALLY meet him. And grow up together.

I stumbled upon this poem the other day and I just loved it. Of course it brought tears to my eyes, just a little.




Someday we're going to run and play

you'll be my very best friend.

We might have a disagreement or two

but we're brothers unto the end.


I'm so glad you're part of this family,

I can't wait to show you around.

I promise I'll share my toys with you,

pick you up when you fall down.


If ever somebody should hurt you,

I promise I'll stand right by your side,

we'll fight this world together,

two brothers now sharing life's ride.


And when we grow up and get married,

it won't change how I feel for you,

'cause you are my brother, my family,

and families forever stay true.



[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:10:11 GMT
The Children's Museum We've loved being members for the past year, it's one of my favorite places to take Ian. Our pass expires at the end of the month so we went one last time. Also, I had to capture him saying "Children's Museum" on video, it cracks me up every time. It's a tongue twister and he sounds like a slurring drunk man.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:03:45 GMT
Ellen Degeneres I can't believe I almost forgot to post about this! A couple of weeks ago my friend got tickets to Ellen and invited me to go with! I've been DYING to go to a taping for years, and spent months upon months daily checking for open dates and applying for tickets. Anyways, I was so excited to go. And then this happened!!


I thought there was maybe a chance she'd do it, I've seen her do it to pregnant audience members before. But I was in total shock when it happened. Totally flipped out. I'm actually SO glad you can't see my face. I may or may not have been crying.


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 14 Jun 2017 21:59:17 GMT
Palm Springs - Last Trip Before Baby! We decided to take one more trip before the baby comes, and spoiled ourselves at a resort in La Quina (Palm Springs area)... They had a really good special going on, and it was totally worth it. I got a massage one day, Wade golfed, I got a manicure/pedicure, we went to the pool multiple times throughout the day, and there were lots of misc. things we also did like Wade took Ian on the putting green, Ian also loved playing with his construction trucks with these little rocks that were by a waterfall/pond (Wade and I would relax and have 'happy hour' there). There was a cute old town nearby where we had several dinners with a cute ice cream parlor, it was overall just such a great time. Ian loved it and didn't want to leave. He behaved great the whole time and was a great sleeper despite the busy schedule. I also met up with my old friend Mike out there (from the dry cleaners) and his wife and their 2 year old - which Ian loved. We met them at an indoor trampoline park one morning, Ian had SO much fun there!

Unprompted belly hugs... these will never get old.

He wanted to show the duck his new lego car - how cute is that?!

First discovering the duck, Ian had to go up to it and say "hi"...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 31 May 2017 22:37:07 GMT
Butterflies!! I took Ian to a butterfly exhibit today and he had SO much fun! He didn't want to leave. He was so excited to tell Wade he caught a butterfly when he got home from work. It was so worth the $5.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 23 May 2017 01:54:06 GMT
Pool Days We had a get together at our friend's house on Sunday, and the kids got to enjoy their pool at their new house! Ian loves the pool, and discovered how much fun it was to be thrown up in the air!

Eating dessert, serious business as far as Ian's concerned -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 23 May 2017 01:48:41 GMT
Ian's Baseball Glove So Ian's baseball glove arrived in the mail, and this afternoon Wade opened the package with Ian. He was so excited and went right away to put the glove on. He called it a baseball "mitten," haha. They spent so much time playing catch, I think it's the longest Ian's ever been entertained by one activity. And it was SO cute watching them together. (And may I point out the pure look of fatherly joy on Wade's face in the last photo?)

Videos are at the bottom, too!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 17 May 2017 01:19:32 GMT
Maternity Pictures On Mother's day, Wade took some pictures of Ian and I before we went out to dinner... I feel like other than a few iPhone pictures, I've hardly had any photos of this pregnancy, and this time is so fleeting. Here are a few...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 17 May 2017 01:16:20 GMT
Big Brother Prep I think this kid is ready to meet his little brother already.

(I still need to get video of him cuddling and talking to my belly!!)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 13 May 2017 23:31:40 GMT
Gardening Gloves My mom sent Ian some gardening gloves, which are too big for him, but he loves non the less. He wants to wear them all the time, pretends it's a baseball glove (so now we have a baseball glove on it's way ordered by Wade this morning), and today he wanted to wear them on his bike ride. He cracks me up sometimes.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 13 May 2017 23:30:50 GMT
Touch a Truck Event I've been keeping my eye on this event for a while, it happens every May, and all proceeds to go children's cancer research. There are a bunch of different trucks on display, for kids to climb in, and their drivers are there, too. They have bands playing, kids activities, and an Ambulance Helicopter that lands and takes off during the event!

So the reality is, maybe I was more excited for this event than Ian. It was LOUD there. There were sirens and horns honking ALL the time (from the kids climbing up into the truck). Ian doesn't like loud noises (or crowds I think - just like his father!!), and after a couple of hours I was even sick of the honking. Ian didn't warm up for a while, but he eventually agreed to climb into a Monster Truck, and a Fire Engine. Oh, and I think he really liked seeing the helicopter land.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 13 May 2017 23:29:14 GMT
Palm Springs Getaway Natalie asked me last week if I wanted to meet her at her parent's timeshare out in Palm Springs for two nights... of course I said YES! I hardly get to see her anymore and Ian and Lucy love playing together! I will say, it was a lot of work for me to do solo without Wade this pregnant (there was so much luggage/food to move in and out in a couple of days), but it was so worth it!! I loved the quality time I got to spend with Natalie, and Ian was so cute with Lucy and baby Hank. He really is interested in babies and was so sweet with Hank. He'd go up to his face and say in a sweet voice, "Hi baby Hanky." He rolled him balls, wanted to help wipe his face when he saw it was messy, and hold him several times. Makes me excited to see how great a big brother he will be. And of course he and Lucy had SO much fun together. They were like fish in the pool, he never wanted to get out. The weather was perfect, too! In the condo Ian and Lucy would play together, the cutest was when they would play hide and seek. Ian loves playing that game right now and it was so funny to see him play it with someone his age. I hope to be able to go out there again another time, it was a perfect little trip!

This picture cracks me up, I was letting Ian watch an episode of Curious George, and this is how they were positioned when I came out to check on them.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 30 Apr 2017 01:10:37 GMT
Ian's Big Boy Room is DONE It's finally DONE - and by that I mean every last thing is hung on the walls. He loves his new room, and I'm really happy about how it turned out! Now to start on getting baby clothes organized...

We did so many things by hand for his new room - Wade sanded and stained the wood furniture and we bought new knobs, I made the teepee from a canvas tarp, almost everything hanging on the wall I made, Wade stained the book shelves (they are really cheap spice racks from Ikea), and the owl on the dresser was carved by Wade's dad for him when he was a boy - it couldn't fit in better in the new room!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 30 Apr 2017 01:04:14 GMT
Flower Fields Another great year at the Flower Fields! We met the Keefes there again this year (Wade's cousin Nicole and fam who live in Orange County). Ian had a great time but had no interest in riding in the tractor wagon this year.


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 23 Apr 2017 23:58:37 GMT
Talking Ian Ian talks SO much. All day long we talk. He's like my little buddy, good thing I'm a talkative person - so it probably works out that way... and maybe he gets it from me? Now that he's front facing, we talk all the time in the car about what he sees out the window. Mostly trucks and cars and such. He says "mom" after almost every sentence when he's talking to me, "here, mom" "look, mom" "up here, mom"... I need to get it on video. When I talk to my  mom on the phone he does the same "uh-huh, nana". It's pretty cute. He also can count to 10 (has for a while now), and he's counted to 10 in Spanish a couple times, too!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 17 Apr 2017 02:31:34 GMT
Ian's Big Boy Room I feel like I've been working on his new room for so long, but last week we finally moved him into the big room (which also has the connected bathroom). I tried making the room as exciting for him as possible, to help with the transition. He was so excited about it! I even made him a teepee, we took a video of us showing it to him for the first time...

Overall, the transition went ok. Night 1 was great, he went right to sleep and was so excited. Day 2 he refused to nap, which is SO unlike him. Even when we travel, he takes his naps easily. He was clinging to me for dear life so I let him nap on me that day. Night time on Day 2 was equally rough. He didn't want us to leave the room, which resulted in us sitting in his room, and me laying on the floor till 9:20 and when I tried sneaking out he STILL cried for me. I finally just told him I'd be right back, which seemed to comfort him and he finally fell asleep on his own. Day 3 went slightly better, I continued to say I'd "be right back", which has now morphed into "I'll come back to check on you". From there it has progressively gotten better, he still fights naps a bit, but at least has stop crying to "snuggle on couch" instead. I think by next week we'll be back to normal. I'm glad this transition is done, and I can start getting the baby room ready - I need to get those newborn clothes out!!

I still need to hang everything on the walls, when I do I'll try to post pictures of his new room. But for now, here is the video -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 17 Apr 2017 02:28:57 GMT
Easter Ian was so into Easter this year. We've been reading books about the Easter bunny, and he'd say "Easter bunny is coming, jellybeans are coming"! We went to the Encinitas Easter Egg hunt on Saturday with friends, which was kinda a zoo but still fun. And Easter morning we did brunch with Leah, Maddox and Danika. They had so much finding eggs, and ate SO much candy they were a bit of a mess - but all in good fun! Here are some pics -

Saturday Egg Hunt -

Easter Sunday -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 17 Apr 2017 01:19:32 GMT
Arizona Trip In the beginning of April we drove out to Arizona to visit Wade's grandparents on his dad's side. We rented a house with his dad and wife, and it was a great trip! We only stayed two nights so it was quick, but Ian did great in the car and while we were there. It was a nice getaway with family!

Apparently I didn't take many photos, but here are a few -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 17 Apr 2017 01:15:49 GMT
Starting to feel more like summer One of our friends has a nice community pool in Mission Valley, so we've been enjoying the pool again lately. He's gotten so big since the last time we went swimming! He LOVES the pool, it makes me want to take him on a tropical vacation somewhere, he would have so much fun!!! And so would Wade and I, of course.

We have been working on getting Ian's big boy room ready, and I was going through some clothes the other day and this basket was on the ground and Ian wanted badly to go inside. Then he decided he "needed friends" and went and got all of his stuffed animals out of his crib, pilled them in, and proceeded to read books in there. It's so fun seeing his little brain work these days.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 29 Mar 2017 01:19:30 GMT
Biking Ian Here are some more videos of Ian on his bike, I still don't feel like they do him justice. He's gotten so good at it, he picks his legs up for long periods of time, steers the bike like a pro all around, and he's started going down curbs to gain speed and zooms back up them. The other day he did a 360 full circle. I was NOT expecting him to get the hang of this bike in just a few months like he has!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 29 Mar 2017 01:13:08 GMT
We Lost It!! Something happened the other day that we have been laughing over and I had to share, in hopes that we'll always remember this story.

We are in the middle of getting Ian's "big boy room" ready, and moved his rug from his room into the new room for size reference. I was vacuuming, and Wade went with Ian into his original room where he's still sleeping (with the rug missing) and Ian collapsed to the ground on his knees and started crying in distress saying "Oh no!!!! We lost it!!" I'm not sure why but it's been cracking us up. He was so distraught over it, fell to his knees, and the words he chose to use "we lost it," just make us laugh.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 26 Mar 2017 23:35:16 GMT
Baby Brother I realized I've hardly posted about this little guy, or post any pictures of myself!! I'll try to take a picture and post one of my belly soon, it's getting big! I'm 26 weeks now, the baby is about 14 inches (about the size of a scallion). I feel him moving all the time, and they say he can hear outside the womb now. I told Ian that once and now he talks to baby brother all the time. He'll hold up a truck to my belly and see "Backhoe loader, baby brother". He also gives my belly lots of hugs and kisses and says "love him". It's so cute, I'll get it on video one of these days. Here are some pics from my last ultrasound.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 20 Mar 2017 21:42:29 GMT
Recent Pictures We had a few friends over for dinner last night, for our monthly "Grub Club"... the kids are all getting so big! Two more on the way soon! Love our tradition and glad that we are able to keep it up as well as we do (although we do miss many months here and there)!

At our niece Ellie's First Birthday Party on Saturday! Do Ian and Wade not look totally similar in this picture??! (Minus the coloring, of course)

Leah and I took the kids last minute to Inflatable World the other weekend, the cousins loved it!! When I was taking the picture, I was telling them where to stand and Ian grabbed Maddox's arm - how cute!!

Ian being silly during playtime with his Aunt Enid and Whitney.

Little Picasso at the New Children's Museum. Love this place!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 20 Mar 2017 21:38:42 GMT
The Terrible "Poos" We had quite the regression with pooping in the potty. Week 1 was a struggle, but by week 2 he was NAILING it. He was having successes everyday for 5 days in a row!!! I was so proud, I thought we were in the clear, he was getting it!!!! Then, one terrible Friday, he started holding it. He was starting to act all scared again to go in the potty, and it was an ALL day thing. I kept thinking anytime now he'd just do it. I swear we "tried" on the potty at least 100 times that day. Well, finally at the end of the day, the poo came out, all be it not in the potty. Turns out he was terribly constipated (again) and it was hurting him. Despite his altered diet to keep his stool soft. Poor guy. Since then he's been holding it and pooping in his pull-ups at nap time or sometime before I get him in the morning. I've decided to take a few weeks break, and try again. I talked to a nurse the other day who advised the same and had a few good tips. I'm continuing to alter his diet to keep his stool soft, I'm just hoping this doesn't last too long. But I try to remind myself he's doing great for his age, he's totally got the pee thing down, and it helps to know that this is actually a very normal problem with toddlers and potty training. So we'll keep trying. I know he can do it!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 20 Mar 2017 21:29:16 GMT
Potty Training Ian So... we did it. We potty trained Ian. Wade took Friday off work, and I'm so grateful he did. Even to just have him around to relieve me, help make meals, and be our support. It was a long 3 days, but I can confidently say now near the end of Day #3 - we did it. Correction, HE did it!! We've been cooped up inside on the tile or hardwood for days, but it was all worth it. I had no idea the challenge we were in for, nor the rewarding feeling after success.

We started first thing in the morning on Day 1. I had previously hid all of his diapers from sight, and he knew this was the day. When I went to get him in the morning, he stood up in his crib, started pulling his PJ bottoms down saying "big boy undies, bye-bye diapers!" I think that morning we had about 3 accidents and 2 good tinkles in the potty (it was hard to keep track). But around 10ish we had a break through where he was on the potty and had a good long pee in the potty. I think that's when it started to click for him. He woke up from his nap dry, went pee on the potty right away. But we had another accident in the afternoon. I learned to be more on top of it, ask him more often but not push the issue. By Day 2, he was telling us on his own he had to go. We also had an incident with poo poo which I won't go into details but let's just say the poo never ended up in the toilet. I think we had 2 morning accidents on Day 2, I had to try really hard not to get frustrated and remind myself he's learning from them. The last accident was because he was not wanting to tear away from his toys. Day 3 there were no accidents (as of the afternoon), he knows when he has to go, and if he hasn't gone in a while I remind him he needs to stop playing with his toys, take a break and try the potty or else he'll have another accident. The BIG breakthrough is he POOED in the potty today!!! Day 3, I knew he'd been having to go for hours, but he was acting too scared to sit on the potty. It came down to right before nap time and he just kept wanting to try. Not sure how he got over being scared, I told him I'd hold him if he wanted and that he's safe. I also started talking to his butt saying "come out poo poo" and boy did that make him laugh. Maybe that's what did it. I told him we'd get frozen yogurt once the poo went in the potty, too. The last attempt I said no more truck videos (it kept him on the potty but distracted him too much, he'd sit there for hours doing nothing if he had the chance). So I was reading him an ABC book, got to the letter R, and he went!! I was so proud I was near tears. I'm still so excited about all of it. I know he's still got some learning to go and there will be more accidents, but I really feel like he's got it down and the hardest part is over. So proud of him, I could just burst. He's a big boy now.

And one from my phone - he's so proud to be in big boy undies the morning of Day 1!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Feb 2017 23:18:30 GMT
Nana and Aunt Lisa Visit We had such a great time with my mom and aunt in town, it went by too fast! Here are some pics -

My mom was playing this game with him with puppets and this zoo puzzle where the puppet would get close to the alligator on the puzzle and scream and run away and Ian thought it was SO funny!

Ian and Aunt Lisa really bonded on this trip, he always asked for her. Probably because she was so sweet and talked trucks with him alllllll weekend long. Here she is reading him this truck book for the millionth time -

Showing off his bat swinging skills.

He thought it was so funny to knock this ball off with his nose -

Here's Ian with his entourage -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Feb 2017 22:41:48 GMT
Baby Danika I just had to share some of the photos I took of Danika - I had SO much fun taking them!! I hope I get to take more, and so excited to take our newborn photos of baby #2 in a few months!!

LVD Photo Edited-2LVD Photo Edited-2 LVD Photo Edited-6LVD Photo Edited-6 LVD Photo Edited-7LVD Photo Edited-7 LVD Photo Edited-9LVD Photo Edited-9 LVD Photo Edited-16LVD Photo Edited-16

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Feb 2017 22:34:24 GMT
Ian updates I haven't written in a long time about what Ian's been up to, so here it goes!

He's been talking a LOT. Two word sentences have turned into, 3, 4, 5, and now 6 word sentences! The longest sentence he's said I'm pretty sure he said the other day. I was showing him pictures on my phone of what a sloth looks like, and we came across a baby sloth that was posed in a coffee mug. He said "oh-no! Baby sloth come out coffee cup!" (As you can tell, he likes things in order and if anything is not in place it's "uh-oh! come out! man clean up!").

He still only says "uh huh" for yes. I think it's so cute. "Ian, are you having fun?"..... "uh-huh!!"

He used to say "dicka dicka" for motorcycle for the longest time. He just started saying "motorcycle"... I'm going to miss the dicka dicka days.

I can't remember if I already said this in another post, but everything all day long is: "Ian do it!" or "Do it self!" This kid wants to do it all on his own, all the time. Which is tiring and makes things take way longer, but he's gaining his independence which I know is good. An example is that he MUST climb into the car seat every time by himself. Starting from the car floor, up and around and sitting down in his seat. The good news is, he's gotten much faster at this so it no longer puts us back 5 minutes from going anywhere.

The other day (actually twice now), I've talked to him about getting my coffee in the morning, and once he said "mommy's teeth hurt" (like it's my medicine aka when his teeth hurt he gets medicine), and the other time he said, "mommy sick". I don't know why but seeing him correlate these thoughts in his head and speak them is so funny to me.

Ever since we've been telling him we are having a baby, he's been OBSESSED with his little baby doll. He brings him everywhere. He tells me baby needs a diaper change, baby hungry, take baby's jammies off, baby this baby that. He loves this little baby doll. It's funny cause my mom got it for him a while ago, and ordered the Hispanic version of the baby online, and when it arrived it's skin was SO much darker than in the pictures online! So people always mention how he has a diverse baby doll. Ha!

He's learned the art of stalling, and I have no idea how he just knows how to do this. He asks for water before bedtime, tries asking for one more book, takes forever to brush his teeth. He tries to be a little negotiator. I have to constantly think of ways to expedite the process without giving in and causing melt downs. :)

He's challenging us more and more, so we've had to start laying down the law which has been an interesting transition. He was liking timeouts so much, he was pushing Maddox over and over and over again just to get a timeout. So I stopped timeouts and gave him LOTS of positive praise for good behavior, and just corrected the bad behavior, and he got better. He's since challenged us many times again now, so I've been experimenting different forms of punishment. I'm trying to find a version of timeout that he doesn't like, and works for us. I'm also reading up on child discipline which makes me feel better to educate myself and find what works best for our family.

Overall, he is SUCH a good kid. Even when he fights things, it's usually not for very long. I'm able to calm him down, distract him, and he goes along with the program. He gives lots of hugs and kisses which I eat up every time. Sometimes he just randomly comes up and hugs me in the middle of the day and says in his little sweet voice "mama!"... I'm so lucky to be his mom. I know people say that a lot about their kids, but it's just so true.

Here are some recent pics, my mom's in town helping with Danika so we've been seeing a lot of Nana and Maddox!

Nana came to music class with us last week -

Wade helped our neighbors put their new TV together the other night, and Ian got to take home a prize - a BIG piece of styrofoam which he loved!!


He's become very good on his bike, and enjoys bombing it down the hill to our house. Here's a tiny clip, I need to get a better one...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 09 Feb 2017 22:23:52 GMT
New Year, New Baby! Ian is going to be a big brother!!! And he is SO excited! He always talks about the baby, wants to kiss or lay on my belly, and says he wants to roll the baby a ball to him again and again (from one of our big brother books). We are all so excited about this new addition to our family!

New baby Van Dusen is due June 22nd, and it's a BOY!! :)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 31 Jan 2017 16:05:17 GMT
Ian's Birthday Video This is over a month late, but better late than never. Watched it again the other day and realized I never posted it, and it's too cute not to!

This is from his actual birthday when I took him to the zoo with a few friends.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 17 Jan 2017 01:28:43 GMT
Christmastime 2016 Christmas this year is extra fun with Ian at this age. He really got into it. He was talking about Santa, he even said what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas! His answer was always a big rig and a dumper truck. And his eyes lit up when I suggested he asks for a bike... which is what Santa brought him. We also did a few of Christmas activities this year including a Christmas parade, Holiday Nights at the Botanical Gardens, and a Christmas Village - it was so fun!

Visiting his cousin Harper on Christmas Eve. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 29 Dec 2016 03:29:45 GMT
2 YEARS OLD!! And just like that, he's two! He's growing into such an independent little boy. He likes things neat, picks up trash and litter, and is a great helper... He likes to help with almost everything. He is voicing his opinion more and more, and I find myself explaining things to him allllll day long. He's a sponge. He's combining words more and more, 3-4 word sentences sometimes. I love hearing his cute little voice and the things he has to say. We've started time-outs, which sometimes he asks for, so I'm not sure how well it's going but at least we're starting somewhere. I love him to pieces and so does his dad. We are so lucky. Happy birthday, Ian Bernd.

I took him to the zoo with some friends on his birthday -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 08 Dec 2016 06:08:18 GMT
RV Road Trip The week of Thanksgiving, we rented an RV and traveled around for a week. It was so much fun!! We started out in Joshua Tree, where we met Wade's cousin's family and smoked a turkey. Ian started getting sick the day we left... so that was a bummer and to make it worse, everyone ended up catching it. But we made the best of it and at least we had the convenience of the RV to make it feel like home. Next, we drove up to Kern River, where it was COLD. And our last stop was San Clemente State Beach. I'll try to upload more pictures when I get the chance, but here are a few!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 08 Dec 2016 06:02:37 GMT
When your kid is really really sick on Halloween... .... And you dress up a week later just to get pictures that aren't even that good. Wah-wah. I'm so disappointed with how these photos turned out, and the fact that we didn't get to all wear this get up on Halloween and make a few people laugh, but such is life - out of your control. So here are the pictures, only because I spent hours making our costumes. Enjoy!

Also, why is Wade holding his hand like that??!! It's a SCOOP!! You're supposed to act like you're digging! Ohhhh welllll.....

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:55:10 GMT
Palm Springs Vacation We just took a little vacation with a few friends (3 families to be exact) out in Palm Springs. We rented an awesome house with a pool and there was lots of swimming going on!! I could NOT believe how long Ian could stay in the water! I feel so lucky to have such great friends in my life, all of them. We had a great time even though Ian came down with a nasty cold and was completely out of the count on Sunday, but at least he had two good days in!!

Ian was having so much fun jumping off this ledge to Wade. He got really comfortable in the water with his life vest on during this trip.

On Saturday we went to the Living Desert Zoo out in Palm Desert and it was so much fun! They had a model train track that Ian of course loved, and he got to feed giraffes - twice!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 02 Nov 2016 03:31:13 GMT
Some Recent Pics Here is Ian and Lucy (my friend Natalie's girl) at the zoo. Despite Natalie living an hour and a half away, she visits often which I am so grateful for. Ian and Lucy may or may not have crushes on each other. They are ask about each other when they are away, and when they are together they are always hugging, kissing, or holding hands. It's just the sweetest thing.

After a hike at Torrey Pines a couple weeks ago. He still rides in the backpack, but walks part of the way now.

My first time attempting an artsy project at home. It went well, got pretty messy and he'd want to go play with his toys with his messy hands, then want to paint, and back and forth. But over all it went really well, and he really liked painting.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 27 Oct 2016 03:47:49 GMT
To the futuer adult Ian... I just want to let the future adult Ian know, (if this blog makes it that long, or some version of this blog), - I want you to know that tonight after your shower you got very upset because I wouldn't let you go to sleep on the bathroom rug. That is all.


Oh, and I love you with all my heart. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 13 Oct 2016 02:45:05 GMT
Oktoberfest We did two Oktoberfests this year! On Saturday, we went to the Oktoberfest in our Community Park - which mostly consisted of us hanging out on a blanket and walking around, and hitting up the park. And on Sunday, we drove up to Alpine Village for their Oktoberfest! It was so much fun!! Going there brings back such great memories of when I was a kid, plus the Oktoberfest is really legit! It was Family Day so there were lots of kids activities, including a huge German band, bouncy houses, and a balloon drop at the end.

This picture cracks me up. This is his "what is that?" face.


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 03 Oct 2016 22:49:52 GMT
Potty Time?!!! I can't believe it. Ian's gone pee in the potty - TWICE! First time was last night, and then again tonight! I've been practicing with him, sitting him on the potty once a day, and reading him some potty books. But I wasn't expecting him to actually DO it for a long time! So.... now I think it's time to get serious and think about this whole potty training thing! I can't believe what a big boy he's becoming!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 29 Sep 2016 03:17:56 GMT
More Ian Talking Ian's been talking so much lately, new words every day. He's still mostly using them individually (not combining them too much), but all day long we are talking. I realized I hadn't taken any video in a long time, so took these today -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 15 Sep 2016 22:18:33 GMT
New Words Ian is talking more and more. He has so many new words now, I thought I'd try to document them here. He also has started to combine words, he's said, "I come, my nana, and one more".

Some of his new words include: trash, man, Opa, Auntie, Uncle, egg, come, gone, car, bowl, water (wawa), book, walk/walking, pool, kick, shoes, night-night (nie-nie), moon, star, mas (Spanish for more), and so many more I'm loosing count!

And after my mom came out to visit, he started saying "uh-huuuh" for yes!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 06 Sep 2016 15:10:17 GMT
Concert by the Sea Last Sunday Wade and I took Ian to a concert at the La Jolla Cove Park, it was such a cool spot, good music, and we just had a great time. Ian loved the bubble guy and joined in chasing them with the big kids.

He actually likes wearing his sunglasses!

Practicing my photography skills on my family :)

Running to chase and pop the bubbles with the big kids!

This is what happens when I ask him to give me Eskimo kisses. It would be cool to get a shot of us actually touching noses. Maybe one day I'll get a good shot of it, but in the meantime, this will do ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 02 Sep 2016 01:41:38 GMT
Koring Visit - August 2016 We had a great time while my parents were in town. We were so busy and I wish I brought my camera more. We did so many things, beach days, pool days, Aquarium, Zoo, and so much more... here are some of the photos I did take while they were here!

Ian and Maddox have bonded SO much! Ian loves giving Maddox hugs, and Maddox usually doesn't like it. Which makes the following photos so funny, plus they are naked. We will definitely embarrass them with these photos when they grow up :)

Maddox and Ian playing with the same exact toy that Leah and I used to play with when we were little!

More garbage truck pictures with Nana.

Waiting for Leah and Maddox to get to the zoo, playing in the playground!

Here is Ian hugging his dad <3

Love this photo. My dad is, and always be, a corny goofball.

This is by FAR my favorite recent photo of Ian!! I'm sure I just think this cause he's mine, but he's just so damn cute - I mean look at that face!! Those eye melt my heart.


And here are a couple from the Aquarium!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 31 Aug 2016 02:59:49 GMT
Favorite Day of the Week Garbage truck day - Monday!!! More pictures of my parent's visit to come!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 24 Aug 2016 22:45:58 GMT
Safari Park Yesterday I took Ian to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park for the first time (it's about 30 minutes north of us, so just a little farther than the zoo). We met Natalie and her two little ones and spent the whole day there. It was so fun, hot, and a bit chaotic with Hank (6 weeks old), but I would do it over again in a second to spend time with them and see them all (not to mention Lucy and Ian together are just too much).

Here are a few pictures from the day -

The morning started off on the wrong foot with a slight disaster with Ian's smoothie in his car seat. This picture doesn't do it justice - smoother was EVERYWHERE!! Ian just kept saying "uh-oh"!

They love hugging each other!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 06 Aug 2016 16:04:20 GMT
Garbage Trucks and Trash Cans! Who knew garbage could be so exciting?! Every Monday is a big ordeal in our house. It starts on Sunday when Ian sees the trashcans out on the street. Monday morning, the second Ian hears the garbage truck outside he freaks out "dump, dump!" and I whisk him outside to see the truck pick up our trash. The driver usually honks and waves and then we take our morning walk and try to find him again. He calls the garbage truck "dump" because we always talk about how the trucks dumps the trash into the truck. He has several garbage truck books from his Nana, which he loves, and toys and shirt. He loves all automobiles, but the garbage truck is right now one of his favorite by far.

Wade's started taking Ian with him to bring in the trash cans, and it's so sweet to me seeing them do this. He's such a good dad. Here's a couple pics -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Aug 2016 02:11:37 GMT
Ian's First Camping Trip We finally went camping as a family! We had a quick weekend camp trip to where Wade was born - Mount Laguna! It's just an hour east of San Diego, at 6,000 feet and has pine and oak trees for that good ole forest feel. It was really enlightening going with Wade for the first time, I learned a lot about his childhood and even drove by the house where he and his mom lived!

We went with our friends Jennie and Gerry and their 3 kids - Jack (7), Hudson (4), and Beau (1). We all had a blast and it was so cute seeing her kids interact with Ian. I think their favorite thing to do with him was try to get him to repeat words.

Ian had a great time! He wasn't walking still after having his cast off, so he got very dirty but didn't seem to mind! Good thing there were showers at the campsite!

The perfect place to stick them after their showers before bedtime! Thank god they brought the pack n' play!

This picture doesn't even do it justice, but they were filthy!!

And Kyla had fun, too. She's a great camping dog, stayed tied up and stayed near us when not.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Aug 2016 02:06:22 GMT
Summer fun! This summer is flying by! Here are a few updates -

Ian's cast came off last Friday, July 22nd. The doctor said it could take up to the amount of time he had the cast on (3 weeks) to fully be walking again. I wasn't prepared for the slow recovery post-cast, but it's been 4 days now and he's progressing. He's standing up and walking (with a limp) with assistance. His leg is just very weak and it's probably uncomfortable and going to take some time to get back to normal. Everyday I work with him to stand, practice walking, and I'm trying to take him swimming as much as possible as that's good for his recovery, too. Poor guy.

Wade's grandpa turned 90 last week and we had a couple celebrations with him. Here are some pics!

On his actual birthday, Enid, Whitey and Evan brought him over to spend a few hours around the house -

Maddox was there too because I was watching him that day! This picture cracks me up!

And on the weekend Uncle, BB, Nicole, Sean, Harper, Michele and Brett (newly engaged!) came down for a visit with grandma and grandpa. Ian learned how to say Harper "Hapa" and Nicole "Cole", and kept asking about them after they left. :)

Our monthly dinner with our friends have become quite lively these days, I absolutely love our get-togethers! This is the best picture we could get with all of us jumping around and singing to get their attention, too bad Ian's head is in an awkward position - but at least they are all looking in the same direction!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 26 Jul 2016 04:01:09 GMT
Our little trooper Life sure is crazy, and things happen in the tiniest fragments of seconds. On Friday, Ian fell off a chair while I was making lunch in the kitchen and fractured his leg. I was telling him to stop and running towards him when he fell. It's a scene that I've replayed over and over in my head countless times. If I just moved faster, if I was there just ONE second faster I could've caught him, why did I let him sit in that chair? What if we didn't go on an errand that day, then when we got home he maybe wouldn't have wanted to sit in that chair. And so on. But all this also makes me realize that anything can happen, and I thank my lucky stars it wasn't a tragic car accident, or a million other horrible things that could've happened to our little guy in a second based on other decisions made that day. Basically, the last few days have been unbelievably emotional for me, but if anything it's made me so grateful for what we DO have - which is a LOT - and mostly I am so grateful for our health. Seeing Ian not be able to move around much in his cast has been so difficult to watch as a mother, but on the flip side again, I am so grateful it's a simple fix and he WILL walk again very very soon.

He has an appointment (first available) with an Orthopedic Doctor on Wednesday where we will find out more information and he will receive a permanent cast. But fingers crossed he will only need a cast for about 3 weeks. He is SUCH a trooper and I really mean this. Through the whole thing, he barely cried. Only a few times (when he first fell and when the doctor tried to get him to walk when we brought him in). He was so good for everything, as you can see in the pictures. The lady putting on his cast had to use the saw to trim the tip of the cast, and he didn't even flinch. He's adjusted like a champ, sleeps through the night just fine like nothing happened. The first morning he was a bit frustrated because he couldn't walk or move around, but by the afternoon he totally accepted the fact he couldn't use his leg because of his "owie" and asks us for help when he needs it, has learned to scoot around and crawl when he needs to (from toy to toy) and is really good about sitting and playing with his toys for a much longer period than he ever did before. I love this guy with all my heart and need to thank him when he gets older for being so strong and agreeable to anything that is thrown his way.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Jul 2016 00:47:54 GMT
Great pictures We had some friends over a few weeks ago and one of our friends (the same one that took our family photos back in October) is a photographer and brought her camera. Anyways, she took these great photos that I absolutely love, I just had to share!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Jul 2016 19:30:28 GMT
Feeding Kyla Ian has taken an interest (completely on his own) in feeding Kyla. When he sees the bowl is empty he wants to go out to the garage, fill it up, and put it back next to her water. How he thought of doing this on his own I have no idea, but it's pretty darn cute. Here's a video -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Jul 2016 19:26:54 GMT
Ian, how old are you? This is one of the cutest things he may have ever done. (Well, tied with his "no-no" waving finger and coming up to us and asking us for help "aaaaap")

I was trying to teach Ian to answer that he is one year old, but the trouble is he tries counting and thinks everything is two. So he has the number right on his hand, but just says the wrong number. You just have to watch -



[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Jul 2016 19:25:22 GMT
June getaway Wade had a work trip up in Napa last week and Ian and I tagged along! After a couple nights in Napa we went to visit Wade's really good friend Sean and his family who live outside of SF. It was a great little trip!

Here Ian is watching Curious George on the plane - he's old enough now to be entertained (only about 30 minutes, but still!) by watching the iPad! It was a great 30 minute break, which was surrounded on either side of constant entertainment with toys and food and looking for airplanes outside the window.

On Saturday, we took the kiddos to a Children's Museum in Marin and it was SO amazing. It had so many things for the kids, Ian was loving all of it!

Here was the view from the parking lot... oh, and Ian was really into these sunglasses he received upon entrance, he didn't want to take them off!

They had a room with a pirate ship, and a bunch of trains - which Ian loved!! Notice his "choo-choo" face, his puckered lips crack me up every time!

Here are the kids before dinner one night, they were great playmates!

They even took great baths together!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Jul 2016 19:23:29 GMT
"Mama" I just wanted to post that Ian is finally, without a doubt, calling me mama. It took long enough!!! He's been able to say it for soooo long, but never used to it refer to me... until now. Last week I was picking him up from Child Watch at the YMCA and when he saw me walk in, he pointed and said mama. And tonight Wade was going to put him to bed and he walked up to me saying mama and gave me a hug. He was also super cuddly, which is kinda rare for this kid. His hugs and kisses are just too much for me sometimes. I cherish each one so much. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 16 Jun 2016 02:26:34 GMT
18 Months Yesterday Ian turned 18 months old!! That's ONE AND A HALF! I never knew time could move so fast and yet so slow at the same time. One of my favorite parenting quotes - "The days are long, but the years are short." So true.

Ian is picking up new words every week. A lot of them sound the same (bath/bubbles, dump/duck) but I know what he's trying to say and they are consistent with how he is trying to use them. His favorite things right now are of course trucks, especially construction trucks and garbage trucks, ducks, chasing after Kyla, eating (he is always telling me he's hungry), and attempting to do somersaults (looks like a yoga move with his butt up in the air and his head down on the floor).

He is such a good kid, he's young of course and all over the place, but he's a good listener and he tries to please. He's adventurous, loves climbing, running, and pushing his toy stroller around with his stuffed animals. He's really into blankets now, and likes wearing them around his shoulders like a cape. He is FINALLY starting to call me "mama" which is the sweetest thing to hear and melts my heart. He's a great eater, he eats almost anything, pretty much whatever we eat including - zucchini, kale (yes, raw KALE), chicken, salmon, sweet potatoes, all fruit, cheese and so much more.

I never could have imagined how much I love being his mom, I'd do anything for him and I try each day to be the best I can for him. He makes me so happy, and he's growing up so fast. He's gonna be two before we know it!

My friend Jennie and I attempted to take pics of our kiddos, and we got a few good ones!

Eskimo kisses!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 08 Jun 2016 02:11:44 GMT
Talking Ian's talking stopped progressing for a few months, but lately he's been picking up new words here and there. He LOVES saying "bye" aka "Bah!" to everything - objects, people, food, anything he's done with he says bye and waves to it.

New words this week are apple (his best word yet), and rock.

He also says hola all the time now for hi.

Here he is trying to say banana, which is really funny cause he used to be able to be pretty close to saying it, and now he just uses these sounds whenever a word is too hard to say -

Here is saying apple, I obviously couldn't get him to say it twice and haven't gotten a better video of it yet...

And here is a video of him running just because -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 28 May 2016 20:40:57 GMT
Zimby the giraffe! Ian's taken a liking to his stuffed animals, in particular this stuffed giraffe who I named Zimby. It's cute cause it's one of the props I used for his 6 month photos. But anyways it's cute cause he carries him around with him, hugs him, tries feeding him food, the other day he tried getting Zimby to pick something up in his hand. Today for his nap he fell asleep holding him.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 28 May 2016 20:36:27 GMT
Ian's First Doughnut! It occurred to me the other day that Ian hasn't had a doughnut yet! So this weekend we took him for doughnuts and of course, he loved them!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 28 May 2016 20:33:10 GMT
May 2016 Updates I just wanted to upload some new photos, so here are some randoms -

My mom sent Ian a garbage truck and he LOVES it! He was so excited and still gets happy and runs up to it when he sees it in the morning! Needless to say he's obsessed with garbage trucks!

Here's our little stinker before bath time -

We did a little hike in the canyons by our house the other day, and he wanted out of the hiking backpack. I just love it when he rests his head on my shoulder, I carried him till my arms were numb just soaking it up.

Uncle's 60th Birthday -

Beach day with Tiger, Holly and Charlie (Ian's shirt is courtesy of his Great Grandma Gloria) -

Ian thought this pile of sand was just too much fun -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 23 May 2016 20:18:26 GMT
Lucy and Natalie Visit Natalie came down to visit again, and she's 8 months pregnant - ready to pop!

Ian and Lucy had such a great time together, I love seeing our kiddos interact. Lucy gave Ian lots and lots of hugs and kisses. Lucy was definitely Ian's first kiss. So sweet. <3

I just can't get enough of this face.

We went to the bay Friday morning... Ian now fits into his dad's sweatshirt from when he was little!

Natalie started doing this with Ian and he thought it was SO funny!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 23 May 2016 19:49:47 GMT
Saying Goodnight I just had to share a silly update. Wade usually puts Ian to bed, and for a long time now (maybe 6 months or more), he's had a hard time when I say goodnight to him and walk away (I usually said goodnight in his room and left him with Wade to be put down for bed). It breaks my heart every time. In the last few weeks we've started a new routine where after he's bathed and in his PJ's we come out into the living room and read a few picture books (I quiz him, where are certain animals, objects, etc.). Anyways, I starting saying goodnight to him in the living room, kissing him and telling him goodnight and go with dad... and he usually cries and reaches for me as Wade carries him away. Again, broke my heart and I'd have to look away. Well, not anymore. Last night he acted a little sad when I hugged and kissed him goodnight, but he didn't cry when he left me. And tonight he wasn't sad at all when I kissed him goodnight, and he then happily walked away from me, took Wade's hand and walked down the hall. It made me so happy and sad at the same time. It's just one example of many milestones he's making at this age, and it goes so fast.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 23 May 2016 02:28:39 GMT
Nana and Aunt Lisa come to visit! At the end of April my mom came to town to visit for 2 weeks, and her sister (my Aunt Lisa) came for a few days, too! Best story of the visit is how we got the day she flew in mixed up and she was almost stranded at the airport - good thing she is such a great sport! Miss them both dearly and wish they could visit all the time!

Here are some pics from those two weeks -

Ian's first encounter with a grasshopper, he wasn't sure what to think. Then once he touched it and it moved, he wasn't a fan ;)

Our little helper <3

I think Nana was in heaven seeing her grandsons again!

At the Cuyamaca Conservatory Garden in El Cajon, Ian's first wagon ride!

Hearing an airplane...

We got out the pool and bubbles and water toys for a fun time with the cousins!!

"Where did it go??"

Bringing Nana an onion from our garden for dinner...

Ian's new favorite truck, purchased at a Toys'R'Us visit with Nana...

And lastly, we went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields and rode on a tractor!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 16 May 2016 19:13:14 GMT
Las Gaviotas 2016 In April we went down and stayed in Las Gaviotas, Mexico again - Ian's third time in Mexico! (Third if you count when I was 8 months pregnant)

We stayed in a house with Wade's good friend Steve and his family and another family, they had a 2 year old and a 3 year old - it was a lot of fun! We were right down the street from the Trotts and Jason so we got to see them a lot, too. The weather was great, and it was a great short trip, 3 nights. Just enough time to enjoy the beach, pool, and drive into town for tacos, and one night Wade, Ian and I went into Puerto Nuevo for some lobster! I love this little getaway!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 16 May 2016 19:02:55 GMT
April 2016 Here are some more pictures, just because!

Ian is loving the zoo more and more, which is good because his mom likes taking him there!!

This is right after playing peek-a-boo behind the tree. He's such a happy little guy, I hope that never changes.

He's taken a liking to this Curious George monkey, he holds it in the car and always takes it with him into the YMCA. It's so cute seeing him carry it around!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 13 Apr 2016 20:01:04 GMT
Visiting Natalie and Lucy Last week I drove up to Corona to visit Natalie, who is now 6 months pregnant. It was so fun seeing them, and Ian and Lucy interact. We took them to this indoor play area that was SO cool!! Here are some pictures -

Later that day we spent hanging around Natalie's house and visiting her nephew and new niece down the street. Ian loved pushing around Lucy's strollers of course, and Natalie even put her little dog inside the stroller! It was too funny!

(Ian was mesmerized by all the small dogs they had at their house, I don't think he could believe something so small could still be a dog since he's so used to Kyla!)

It's crazy to think all the times I spent with Natalie, closing down the bars together in our 20's... and now we get to spend time together in this new great phase, and bathe our little kiddos together! I'm lucky to have such a great friend in my life.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 13 Apr 2016 19:58:36 GMT
Camping Trip Wade, Kyla and I took a quick one-night camping trip with my friend Pip and her boyfriend out to Anza Borrego. It wasn't a good trip to bring Ian, with off-roading, hot desert, etc. So, Wade's aunt Enid watched him for the night (and she took him to the zoo!).

Anyways, Kyla got car sick on the ride out there (and threw up twice, poor girl), but other than that it was such a fun trip! It made me really want to plan a camping trip where we can bring Ian next! It's not the same when he's not there with us!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Apr 2016 04:01:18 GMT
Up Down! One of his new words (among many), is up-down!

He's not saying it here, but none the less, here's a video of him going up and down - his first time on a teeter totter! ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:56:12 GMT
Sunny San Diego! I love where we live! The weather's been so nice lately!

Here's Ian before we did a hike at Torrey Pines, I forgot how cute these one-piece jumpers are!!

He plays "peek-a-boo" behind trees and posts now. Here he is popping out -

Another beautiful day at the Birch Aquarium!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:55:18 GMT
Easter Eggs and Sticks! This year we went over to Leah's house for a little Easter egg hunt. At first it didn't seem the boys were really getting to concept, and we were just finding all the eggs for them. I started to think maybe we should just try again next year. But after a few eggs (and separating them a bit from each other in the yard), Ian started finding eggs on his own! It was so fun, he's just getting to be such a fun age!

This is the only picture I got -

A couple days ago I took Ian to the park and there was this little girl there that was playing with a stick in the sandbox. So Ian started to take interest in the few sticks that were in the sand. Later, we were walking back to my car through the grass, and BEHOLD! There were sticks everywhere!! He started pointing, and picking them up, shoving them all into one hand, and grabbing more with the other. Who knew sticks could be so exciting!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:52:43 GMT
Where is it??? Ian's starting making this gesture several weeks ago, turning his hands up in question, and it usually means "where is it?"! He does it all the time now, it's so cute I can usually figure out what it is that he's looking for.

Today Wade went into our bedroom and Ian made the gesture (aka "where did he go?"), and I told him he'd be right back. And he was content. <3

Here's a picture of him doing it the other day -

He's climbing up onto this bench on his own now! I'll come outside to check on him, and he's just perched up on this bench, enjoying the view!

Here's another pic of him doing it, but there's a funny story about this outfit. Here he is wearing an outfit that used to be mine (or Leah's?... I'll have to ask my mom)... Anyways, it was so cute because these green bottoms barely had any elastic left so they were starting to slide down. Later, I was in the hallway and I wasn't really paying attention but he was saying "uh-oh" over and over again and I didn't realize till he came running down the hall saying "uh-oh" and handing me the green bottoms. They had completely fallen off him and he was bringing them to me! It was so funny to me I was bending over with laughter!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:48:21 GMT
Costa Rica Pictures I finally edited/uploaded our pictures from our camera! This trip we did NOT take very many family photos, I will have to try harder to more next time - but I think it was just too humid to feel like doing anything except swim!!

Here are a few of my favorite, but to see them all, click here!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 25 Mar 2016 21:03:01 GMT
Father and Son I just love seeing these two together!

Ian kept insisting Wade leave his hat on while he read him this book! If he took it off, Ian would point at it and make noises till Wade put it back on!

Here he is waiting patiently for Wade to fill up his watering pail! He wants to be just like his dad!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 25 Mar 2016 01:51:28 GMT
Wednesdays Wednesdays are the days I get to watch Maddox, and Ian gets to spend the day with his cousin. Our days are filled with me chasing, catching, picking up, kissing bumps and bruises, as well as me saying, "careful, gentle, no-no, share, take turns, come back, stay by me, feet on the floor, no throwing, no hitting, that's Ian's, that's Maddox's..." and so much more. It's head spinning action, and a lot of work, but I love teaching them these skills (we are especially focusing on SHARING right now), and I love that the cousins get to play together - they are at such a cute age!! I cherish these times we get to spend together and wouldn't have it any other way!

This week I took the rascals to the Birch Aquarium here in SD and they had so much fun! I'm getting better and better at handling them both and venturing out and about with them now that their naps are at the same time!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 25 Mar 2016 01:49:16 GMT
15 Months - Updates! I feel like I haven't updated much about what's new with Ian since he's turned one, so this post is going to just cover a lot!

Here's what new with out little man -

Every day he surprises me on how  much he can understand. He's gone from simple instructions like, "can you put this... in here?", to things like, "leave that outside; throw this away; put that back; get your shoes; where's your cup; push the button; bring me a book; this is mommy's not yours"... and more! Today he was eating lunch I told him to eat his green beans and he understood that, too. Or the other day when he woke up I told him Maddox was coming over and when we got out to the front room he put his arms up like "where is he?" and was pretty disturbed there was no Maddox. I had to explain he was coming later, but it was too cute! It's just so cool how much they learn and you don't even realize how much they can understand till one day they're eating green beans on command!!

This memory I just have to share because I don't want to ever forget it - The other day I was making lunch and I felt him touching my toes, then he ran over to where we keep our shoes by the door, and he runs back and brought me my slippers! I almost died it was the cutest thing!! He noticed I didn't have them on because I usually wear them, and he brought them to me!! Ugh I died.

He also makes lots of animal noises including elephant, lion, monkey, dog, and giraffe.

He's saying more and more, his new words include - Hola, Bye (Bah!), Ball, and "bye airplane!"... oh and he makes the sound for uh-oh... but doesn't say it yet.

He can finally nod "yes"... which is so refreshing to just getting the head shake for "no". And he does a cute blink face if you ask him to blink!

Eskimo kisses - I've given him Eskimo kisses since he was a little baby, especially when he's laying down on the changing table, I'd just come down for a cute nose rub with the little guy. Now he gives them if you ask him, and he'll start shaking his head before you can even get your nose close to his face.

And lastly, we've been teaching him the sign for "more" which he doesn't really do correctly, so it's turned into two claps. So, two claps now means a lot from Ian. It can mean - more, help, or want. It's so cute cause if he wants something he claps twice and points at it. So it looks like he's almost commanding us to do his bidding. The other night Wade said he was starting to read him a bedtime book and he clapped twice and pointed at a different book on the night stand - he wanted him to read the other book! Ha it cracks me up!

And now for some random pics and videos!

He's been REALLY into climbing lately. Makes me a nervous wreck! Here he is trying to climb the wall to my vegetable garden, now this one I think is going to be tough to stop!

He's been really into pummeling Kyla lately. Like, literally running up on her and pouncing her, climbing over her, stepping over her, chasing her, etc. Good ol' Kyla is a great sport, and I tell him he's gonna have to pay her back and throw her lots of balls when he gets older! :)

And here's a video (and I know the first fall looks like it could've been bad, but thank god it wasn't... and I'm learning that just comes with the territory of having a little boy!) -

Here he is at the tail end of playing "peek-a-boo" with me -

Nodding "yes" and blinking -

Dancing! He loves this show that has so many songs and dancing videos. I'll ask him if he wants to go watch the Wiggles, and he'll run over to the family room and start bouncing up and down! Here he is jamming out the other night -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 17 Mar 2016 19:36:49 GMT
San Diego Zoo We <3 the San Diego Zoo!! I take Ian at least once a month, but it's always extra fun when Wade comes with us - not to mention Maddox!!

Last week we met Wade's cousin Nicole and her little family on a work day, and Wade took the day off. It was the same day that I watched Maddox, so we brought him too and they had so much fun!

One of my favorite times of the day when I watch Maddox is when I'm making lunch, and they amuse themselves outside (still a new concept to me - Ian self entertaining now!). Anyways, I check on them constantly and they are always together, into something. One is always following the other. I got a little video of it, they aren't doing much, but it's still cute to see them next to each other. The beginning of a wonderful cousin friendship. <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 13 Mar 2016 01:40:46 GMT
Loving his boots! I brought out Wade's old cowboy boots again the other night and Ian LOVES wearing them!! I mean it, he fusses when I take them off, makes his little moaning sounds and hands them back to me and points to his feet. So I let him wear them pretty much all afternoon, and then since have had to hide them from him so he won't want to wear them all the time!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 10 Mar 2016 03:22:11 GMT
Harper's First Birthday! Harper (Wade's cousin's baby) turned one this week and we went to her birthday party on Saturday and Ian had so much fun!! Grandma Gloria was chasing around both of her great grandchildren, and it was so cute to see the two cousin's interact now that they are both walking!

Happy 1st birthday Harper, we love you!!

Not the best angle, but Ian loved making shots into this basketball hoop!

Ian got to take home one of Harper's #1 balloons (thank you Nicole and Sean), and he loves the thing!! The first evening he had it, he did everything while holding it, including eating dinner and his bath!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 10 Mar 2016 03:17:47 GMT
Jump!! While we were in Costa Rica, Ian met a fellow traveler who was 2 1/2 years old. They were really excited to see each other, so we let them run around and interact for a while. The other little boy kept jumping, and I had to tell him - sorry, Ian doesn't know how to jump yet - not thinking anything else of it. A couple hours later when we got back to the house, Ian was trying to jump!!! I was really surprised that he even noticed what the other kid was doing! Anyways, he was bending his legs and getting the movement down, but his feet weren't leaving the ground - it was so dang cute! I got it one video (and coincidentally when I started recording, he actually caught air and had his first jump!... still his only one yet).

Here it is -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 01 Mar 2016 03:37:00 GMT
Costa Rica I haven't blogged in so long because we were gone on our trip to Costa Rica! We headed down there to see our friends Kyle and Silvia's wedding, and stayed an extra week with our friend Dave. In total we visited 3 places, and of course Ian did great! He's such a great traveler and I feel so fortunate to be able to bring him along on these adventures. Even though he'll have no memory of these trips, I make an effort to take lots of pictures, and I know we are making memories that will last me a lifetime, which I can share with him some day. :)

Here are some pictures from the trip I took on my phone - our camera pics will be updated soon!

There were 3 boys that attended the wedding, here they all are - so cute!!

Here's Ian just posting up and actin' cool...

Here we are at the rehearsal dinner - the house where it was hosted was amazing with this beautiful view!!

We had lots of family pool time!! Ian loved swimming beach and pool!

Exploring with dad!

Ian had a lot of fun with Dave on the trip, too!

Here is the sunset at our condo we rented in Manuel Antonio. I was sick this day with food poisoning, and in between throwing up, I realized I was probably missing the sunset. So I managed to pull myself out of bed to peek outside the balcony, and I'm so glad I did!! <3

We were able to hook up our iPad to the TV at some of the places we stayed, so Ian could catch of few minutes of his new favorite show - The Wiggles!!

This one house in the mountains that we stayed at had these two random objects that he found (dustpan and sprinkler head) that he just loved carrying around throughout our stay there. It was too cute!

Here's our little traveler, all rosey cheeked, and sticky from the humidity but still having a great time waiting for his lunch!! (Note: he's sitting in a chair like a big boy!! We still used high chairs when available, but when they didn't have any I was surprised how well he just sits in a chair on his own!)

On our trip, it was SO humid. So Ian had the cutest, curly hair ever!

One of many beautiful sunsets, this is the view from our condo in the last place we stayed, in Jaco.

We did several hikes while we were there, including one canopy tour/hike. It was so cool!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 01 Mar 2016 03:21:24 GMT
YMCA Open Gym!!  

Today I brought Ian to open gym at a YMCA and he was in HEAVEN!! I could barely keep up with him, and if I turned my head for one second, he was gone!! Needless to say he wore himself out!!

Here's a little video -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 02 Feb 2016 00:17:13 GMT
Balloons!! He loves balloons and always points them out to me! Even lost balloons that are randomly at the very top of a tall ceiling in a random store (and it takes me a while to figure out what the heck he's pointing at and it's a loner balloon that got away)!

Last night we went to La Jolla Brewing Company's 2 year anniversary party and there were balloons everywhere, so of course his dad went and got him one! He carried this thing around all night, when we got home, and even this morning!

These pictures are from this morning, here he is eating breakfast - he's getting really good at using a fork, and he favors his left hand - a lot!!

On our morning walk...

This was this morning after I told him we needed to go to his room to get dressed, he starting to understand more and more of what I'm saying!! ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 02 Feb 2016 00:14:40 GMT
New Noises and New Words! Now that Ian has conquered walking, he's starting to experiment with sounds again! New words he's starting to say include:

- Bath (he says this over and over again when it's bath time and we are walking down the hall into the bathroom... it sounds a bit more like "ba" but we know he is trying to say bath!)

- Kyla (this is brand new and has only said maybe twice)

- Dada (he likes making this sound, and uses it for many things, but he also knows he can use it when trying to get his dad's attention now)

I have yet to get any of these on video, I'll try to get him saying bath on video soon, but in the meantime, here is a lovely noise he discovered he could make yesterday -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 25 Jan 2016 18:15:10 GMT
Christmas Pictures! I finally uploaded Christmas photos from our camera! Here are a few of my favorite, but to see them all, click here!

Matching sweaters!!

Opening presents and Leah and Chris's house -

Trying to take more pictures in front of the tree, these out-takes were too funny!!

That night, Enid, Evan, Whitney and Grandpa came over for dinner. I love this picture as they made eye contact...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:57:55 GMT
Ian's Birthday Pictures I finally uploaded all the photos from our camera!

Here are a few of my favorite, but to see them all, click here!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:53:18 GMT
Already wanting to be just like his dad! When my mom was in town, Ian wanted to push the lawnmower and so she obliged him and they went all around the backyard together. It was just too cute to not capture on camera :)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:50:02 GMT
Ian's First Cold This week Ian cough his first cold - from me!! :( I felt so bad for the poor guy! He looked awful, you could just tell he felt terrible. It's been a few days and I think he's finally on the mend!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:25:26 GMT
These boots were made for walking! Today I randomly decided to put Wade's baby cowboy boots on Ian, now that he's walking. What followed cracked me up, I was trying so hard not to laugh! I didn't even realize I was holding my phone upside down and I don't know how to turn the video around! Anyways, here's the video -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 13 Jan 2016 04:26:24 GMT
Cheers!! We taught Ian how to clank glasses (err, sippy cup) and "cheers"! Last weekend we were at that restaurant I posted about below, and we decided to try to get it on video after several successful practices. Here is what we got, it cracks me up every time!!!

(Never mind my horrible face, just push play! 😜)


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 13 Jan 2016 04:07:20 GMT
I think we found our new favorite establishment... The picture should say it all, but in case I need to be more clear - THERE IS BEER, FOOD AND A KIDS PLAY AREA!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:41:42 GMT
2016 so far... ... is great!! El Nino is here and it's raining a lot this week. Tuesday Ian and I drove up to Long Beach to visit the Aquarium of the Pacific, which is an amazing aquarium by the way!! Jenny was in town so Natalie and I drove to see her. It was such a great time!

Ian wearing his sweatshirt that he got from Uncle and BB for Christmas, it goes so well with his eyes!!

He's obsessed with carrying things around now. The other day he carried these two lemons around the whole day!

He's just so cute I can't handle it sometimes!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 07 Jan 2016 23:40:00 GMT
Our France/Spain Pictures! The photos from our trip are finally edited and uploaded!! Here are a few of my favorite, but to see them all, click here!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 07 Jan 2016 23:15:24 GMT
Ian 1-12 Months I've been meaning to post these pictures! I printed these out for Ian's birthday party, it's his monthly pictures from 1 month to his first birthday - I just love seeing these all side by side! It's amazing to see how he slowly changed throughout the first year!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 07 Jan 2016 23:11:14 GMT
Happy New Year!! Our family photos for 2015, what a great year it's been!!! I have so much to be thankful for. I treasured every moment I spent with Ian, loved watching Wade grow into the wonderful father he is, and I loved watching Ian grow into the little boy he's become. Looking forward to 2016! Happy New Year everybody!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 01 Jan 2016 02:47:53 GMT
Officially Walking!!! As of this afternoon I think it's safe to say he's officially walking!!!!

It's weird, this morning I was just noticing how he still chooses to crawl around from place to place. He usually only would walk to and from places if was within maybe 15-20 feet. But after his lunch today, just like that, he walked from the kitchen, through the foyer, down the hall, around the corner and to his bedroom!! And then, just like that, he's walking around all over the place!!!

It really amazes me how a transition like that just happens one day. All of a sudden, he decides to (or realizes he finally can) just walk everywhere.

Here's a video from the recent achievement today -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:37:22 GMT
Dance to the Music Another thing Ian's started doing lately, waving his arm(s) to music.

Here's a short video to this song that this toy sings, but he does it to actual music, too. He especially likes the Christmas music that I've been playing around the house!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:31:07 GMT
Ian's First Words!!! It's taken me a while to try to get this on video, but Ian said his first word!!

On one of our last nights in Spain Ian said "up"! He wanted up on the couch and I said "up?" and he said "up"!!! It was actually on Thanksgiving day, we didn't fly home till the Friday after Thanksgiving. Anyways it's been one of his favorite words to say so far! And the next day he started saying "again"!! He says "again" a lot, for multiple things. Basically if he wants you to do something, he points at it and says "again", haha!

So here's a video of him saying "up" -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:29:22 GMT
We Miss Nana!! We had so much fun with my mom in town!! I love this shot of them in front of the Grinch tree at Balboa Park!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:24:15 GMT
Holiday Wonderland I really wanted to check out "Holiday Wonderland" at Petco Park this year with Leah and Maddox. They had a lot of cool attractions (Reindeer, Santa, Ferris Wheel, Carousel, snow, trains, etc.), but probably won't be going back for a few years. I didn't take that many photos because we were so busy chasing Maddox and seeing as much as we could before we had to leave, but here is the winner from the night!

(Really though, I swear Maddox had fun other than these 10 seconds of when we wanted a picture)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:23:02 GMT
Kisses! Last night Ian started giving out "kisses" to his fellow baby friends. All on his own, randomly! It's soooo cute! His kisses are still just open mouthed  face plants, but hey it's still his version of a kiss! Here's a video of him dishing them out to little Rose -

(he's also doing his latest trick in this video, which he just started doing this week - clapping!!)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 14 Dec 2015 03:54:34 GMT
Santa!! Our friend Dave was so nice to accept our suggestion (from several of us with babies) to dress up as Santa this year. Although Ian did NOT like the idea of Santa, I'm hoping he'll warm up to him for next year. I felt so bad for the guy, here's one shot from the night -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 14 Dec 2015 03:53:21 GMT
12 Months! We made it!! I can't believe Ian's ONE YEAR old!! We had a great birthday party for him with friends and family. I'll post pictures soon, but in the meantime, here are his 12 month photos! It was impossible to get a good picture of him because he's so mobile now, knocking down the blocks down and wanting to squirm off the couch!

New things he's doing this month:

- Walking to and from us to objects, i.e. table, chair, cupboard, etc.

- Talking!! He started saying "up" and "again" while we were on our vacation!

- Imitates me, like blinking and bouncing his head.

- Bounces his hand/arm to music.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 14 Dec 2015 02:52:01 GMT
Europe Vacation!! It feels like we were gone forever!! We took our family vacation November 11 - December 2nd to Spain and France, and stopped in NY to visit my parents on the way back for 5 days. It was such a memorable trip. Since we've been back Ian's had his first birthday, it's been very busy. I still need to upload all the photos from our camera, but here are some pics from our trip that I took on my phone!

Some pics from NY with Nana!

This is a cardboard fort that my mom made for Ian (that he loved), it was so impressive I had to document it (the inside was even more impressive) -


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 08 Dec 2015 05:05:12 GMT
Babble Talk I meant to post this before our trip... so this video is from late October. For the record, he's talking a lot more now! I'll post a new video soon :)

Here are some videos of Ian babbling, it's starting to seem more and more like he's trying to talk to me. I think he was trying to point to something, but of course I have no idea what the heck he's trying to say. He's also really excited about finding Kyla's bone.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 07 Dec 2015 22:14:25 GMT
11 Months! It's getting harder and harder to take pictures of him and get him to stay still!!

New things he's doing this month -

- Trying to use a spoon on his own

- His babbles sound like he's talking. I swear he tries to say "all done" when he's done eating!

- Points at things (airplanes, lights, etc.)

- Waves bye-bye

- Hands me things, and puts things in random places (i.e. my flip flop in the tupperware cupboard)

- Puts his hand in the toilet - fun!! ;)

- Hates having his diaper changed!

Here are a few pics, right before we leave for our big trip!! I can't believe he'll be ONE in just another month!!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 10 Nov 2015 18:16:23 GMT
Pumpkin Patch and Halloween Ian came down with his first fever last week, when we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch with Leah, Chris, and Maddox. We ended up canceling, but then ended up going last minute the day before Halloween, just the three of us.

Turns out Ian had "hand, foot, mouth disease" which typically includes a fever for 1-2 days, a sore throat and blisters/bumps on the hands, feet, and mouth. Poor guy was so sick the first day, but was a trooper afterwards even with his red sore throat. I'm glad it's over! (Never mind that I got it after him, arghhh!)

Anyways, here are some pictures from the pumpkin patch, and Ian's first Halloween!!

The pumpkin patch we went to had lots of activities for kids, I think Ian will really have fun next year! This year, we just enjoyed the (very tiny) train ride!

Our little monkey dressed up as a monkey!!! OOOooo oooo, aaaa aaa!!

Stop monkeying around!! This one's my favorite! ;)

Maddox (aka the fireman) at his first house! He loved the lawn decorations at this house, and his lolly pop :)

Ian was really into this banana the entire time, and ended up gnawing on it till he was able to suck out mushed banana out of the peel!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 03 Nov 2015 22:17:15 GMT
Walking??! I'm not sure when it's ok to officially "announce" that he's walking, but he's taken several steps on his own between Wade and I this past week, and yesterday he took 6 STEPS on his own!!! Twice!! Tonight we got him taking a few steps on video! He's of course still rusty and not walking around all over the place yet... but he can walk on his own while very balanced and it's very exciting! We are so proud of this little guy!!

I absolutely love this stage that he is at! All the new things he's learning, and I love teaching him new things (like how to crawl down off the couch feet first), and now practicing walking. I love being able to hold his hands while he walks... especially now that he's perfected walking while holding only one hand. He just melts my heart, I love him so much.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 24 Oct 2015 02:29:55 GMT
Tucson Photos I've uploaded pictures from our visit to Tucson last weekend, to see all of them, you can click here.

Here are a few of my favorites, and some from my phone as well...

Our little travel baby, getting his wiggles out (or so we thought) before we board the plane to Tucson!

Ian and I flew back without Wade on Monday, so it was just him and I cruising around the airport. He loved looking out at the planes, trucks, and people outside!

Wade and Ian at the resort we stayed at during part of our trip. After Ian was all done eating he got antsy, and Wade took him around and he was incredible amused with these rocks in this fire pit! Luckily we were at dinner so early that there was no one else out on the patio yet! Taking his nap on the plane back to San Diego.

And here are a few pics from the camera... (There's more in the link above from the gallery I uploaded!)

Wade, Ian and Wade's grandparents on his dad's side, Bill and Betty Van Dusen -

He scratched below his eye the night before, but still a cute picture!

Caught him in action making one of his favorite sound effects!

Looking out the resort window at the pool below.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 23 Oct 2015 17:51:13 GMT
Ian's "Helmet" Graduation!!! I cannot believe I forgot to post this!!

Last week, on 10/15/15 (my 33rd birthday), Ian graduated from having to wear his Doc Band "helmet"!! I was so so so so very excited, and it was the best birthday present ever!!

It's so nice to touch his little head whenever I want now, I find myself still just staring at him with it off. He looks so different! We are so very happy with the results! I still find myself thinking people are staring at his helmet when we go out in public, then I remember he's not wearing it... and maybe they are just staring at him cause he's so CUTE! :)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 23 Oct 2015 17:33:21 GMT
He may look like his dad yet! We went to Tucson last weekend to visit Wade's grandparents on his dad's side, pictures to come, and his grandma brought out this picture of Wade saying she thought there was a resemblance of Ian in the photo... I agree! Something in the shape of the eyes and the curl of his smile...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:53:46 GMT
Collecting Pacifiers Yep, collecting pacifiers in his crib. This is something the does, and I just think it's so stinking cute. He's obsessed with his pacifiers, and if he has 3 in his crib, he keeps one in his mouth, and one in each hand no matter what. He tries climbing the crib and crawling with them in his hands, and doesn't get very far. Glad I finally got video of it!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:53:17 GMT
Crawling!!! He's mastered army crawling so incredibly well. He's super fast. He's getting closer and closer to walking. I was wondering if he'd ever crawl on his knees!! Well, when he wants to get somewhere fast, he still goes down to his belly to army crawl, but he's moving more and more on his knees mostly cause he's pulling up on one thing to another! Anyways I think it's safe to say he is officially "crawling" on his knees!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 14 Oct 2015 22:43:39 GMT
10 Months! I can't believe this guy is just 2 months away from being 1 year old!

Things he's doing this month:

- Pulling himself up and walking around furniture

- Using a walker and pushing it around

- Giving "high fives" and "kisses"

- Standing up in crib

- Getting up on his knees

Here are his 10 month pictures, we adjusted the lighting this month so his hair doesn't look as red, and is more true to his real hair color! There are too many to choose from!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 11 Oct 2015 21:37:29 GMT
Family Photos! We took family photos last weekend, one of our friends is a photographer and we finally decided to use her! I haven't seen the images yet from the her, but I can't WAIT to see them! I got the cutest freaking outfit for Ian, and we got all dolled up and took pics in Little Italy. At the end I asked the photographer to take a quick one on our phone. Here are some pics from the night off my phone. Professional shots to come! ;)

This is blurry but it's the only shot I got of his outfit, I mean... you guys. How freaking cute is this?!

Dinner after our pictures was a great time!!

The lime didn't phase him, might be the first time in history a baby hasn't squinted after biting into a lime.


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 09 Oct 2015 01:18:32 GMT
High Five! Laughing! And More! We got a high-fiver in the house! He's got this one perfected, and it's so much fun!!

I realized I haven't captured his cute laugh in a while, so here you go!

And he's getting really good at using his walkers!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 09 Oct 2015 01:07:57 GMT
Auntie Enid taught Ian a new noise... So last night Enid babysat Ian, and today he kept making this new noise he's never made before. And making the noise over and over again, alllll day. Needless to say, she taught him something new last night!

Here is a video, see if you can figure out what the noise is ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 05 Oct 2015 03:12:51 GMT
My Little Gentleman

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 05 Oct 2015 03:09:44 GMT
Opening Cupboards! Uh-oh!! He finally figured it out!! And for the past several weekends, Wade and I have been saying "this weekend, we have to baby proof the house," looks like we are out of excuses now!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 05 Oct 2015 03:08:41 GMT
How cute is this?!?!

And this??!...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 01 Oct 2015 16:20:49 GMT
Pulling himself up!! Just before our Tahoe trip (so around the beginning of September/9 months old), Ian started pulling himself up on furniture!! I've delayed this post because I was hoping to capture it on video, but every time I pull out my phone to record him, it distracts him so I've yet to capture his newest trick!

Since Tahoe, in the matter of a couple weeks, he's learned to not only to pull himself up and stand along furniture, but he now cruises along furniture, around the coffee table, along the couch and reaches to go beyond... you can tell he's dying to try to venture out past holding on to something!

He's obsessed with standing now!!

Here he is about to pull himself up, he pulls up on everything! There are times I look away for a few seconds and when I look back he's standing!!

And last week we discovered how to stand up in his crib on his own!

And he's also been learning to use a walker! He's still a bit wobbly, but he's getting better everyday!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 21 Sep 2015 17:14:18 GMT
9 Months! This post is a little late because of our trip, but here's his 9 month photos and updates!

Things he's been doing:

- Pulling himself up on furniture

- Practicing walking (when we hold his hands)

- Climbing on EVERYTHING

- Putting the balls IN the bucket in swim class!

- 9 Month Checkup: 28" (34%), 18 lbs (21%), and his head is 18.25" (85%)!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 15 Sep 2015 04:24:49 GMT
Lake Tahoe For Labor Day weekend, we rented a house with a few friends in Lake Tahoe and we had such a great time! The lake so beautiful, I forgot how crystal clear the waters are!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 15 Sep 2015 04:21:54 GMT
End of Summer Already?? Here are a few pics from the last few weeks -

Wade's cousins and Aunt and Uncle came to visit, and Grandma and Grandpa and of course baby Harper, too!

Ian and Wade going for a swim at our neighbor Mike's house. Mike loves having Ian over for a swim, I think this is going to be his pool he grows up learning to swim in! We have been several times this summer and every time we walk by his house he's inviting us over again! So glad we live in such a nice neighborhood, with such great people, and this is the best alternative to having a pool of your own, ha!

Visiting Wade's Dad's house...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 15 Sep 2015 04:15:43 GMT
These Two I don't think this will ever get old <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:38:34 GMT
Ian Using a Sippy Cup! We started letting him use a sippy cup this week, and he would only drink out of it if we were holding it... but then this morning I just set it in front of him and of course, he couldn't resist grabbing it and using it on his own! ;)

Here he is kicking his legs and convulsing with excitement over the whole thing, life must be so exciting for a baby!

Also, he's become a little sloucher in his high chair. I'm continually sitting him up straight, just for him to slouch back down seconds later. Sometimes he slouches so much he likes to lean his head on the arm of the high chair. I think one of the first few words he might learn from me is "sit up"! ;)


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:37:40 GMT
Ian Loves the Swing! I've tried putting Ian in the swing at the park multiple times, and he never seems amused... until this week!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:32:27 GMT
Wheels and Doors! Ian is SO into wheels and doors lately. Anytime he sees a wheel, he crawls right up to it and inspects it and touches it for soooo long. I wonder what's going on in his little head, but he notices them on everything, even the vacuum cleaner!

Doors have provided hours of entertainment for him as well, he just opens and closes them over and over again!

He stares up at the door in amazement, I can only imagine how big it must seem to him!

Here's a video of him exploring the door to my bedroom, which never ceases to amaze him!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:28:53 GMT
Sleeping Through the Night! I forgot to mention that around the end of July, Ian starting sleeping from bedtime alllllll the way till morning, around 6 or 7am!! I've been hesitant to announce this as I was afraid it wasn't going to stay this way, but it's been well over a month and I think this is the time when I can FINALLY enjoy a full night's sleep once more, and man is it sweet! I almost forgot what it felt like!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:39:08 GMT
Slo-Mo Baby!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 27 Aug 2015 02:08:06 GMT
New Noise and Our Future Little Driver! Ian's making a new noise that cracks me up! Here's a little snip of it -

While we are parked and waiting for the AC to cool the car down, Ian just thinks this is so fun. Not sure if he gets what's going on, but it gets him smiling and turning to look at me every time!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 21 Aug 2015 17:41:52 GMT
More Ian Videos! Here he is last week in the pool with Wade, he loves the pool!!

His scooting has turned more and more into an "army crawl"... still not up on all fours, just belly crawling but he gets around!!

He loves climbing over my legs over and over and over again! He's such a wiggler these days! Here he is whispering babble to himself, I love it when he does this!

He's got this jumper thing down! He's figured out how to jump/swing/push himself in a direction and ends up swinging and jumping all over the place!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 18 Aug 2015 21:31:22 GMT
8 Months!!! A few days late... here's his 8 month photos!!

New things he's doing this month:

- He's getting his first tooth!! I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago, and it's been poking through the gum this past week! It's his bottom right tooth.

- Scooting on his belly

- Climbing, climbing, and climbing!

- Trying to pull himself up on things

- Babbling all the time

- Eating more foods, he likes: sweet potato, carrots, peas, avocado, watermelon, cheerios, teething crackers, peaches, bananas, zucchini and spinach, and his favorite is still yogurt!



[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 03:52:34 GMT
Wade Cut Ian's Hair!!!! I went away for the weekend, and Wade gave Ian a haircut and chopped his hair so short!!! He looked like a different baby when I got back! But it was getting long, and the new cut does help Ian's head stay cool. But we are NOT cutting it that short again for a long time!!

Here we are when I got back home on Sunday, I missed him sooooooo much!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 03:51:03 GMT
This face!!!!! <3 <3 <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 03:50:55 GMT
Kyla is such a good dog She puts up with him so well!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 01:37:29 GMT
Gymboree and the Park! I've been taking Ian to Gymboree classes, and he loves seeing the other babies there! He reaches out to touch them and scoots over to them, it's so cute to see them interact! Gymboree has lots of equipment for him to climb around on, and fun songs and dances, and always different activities that really catch his attention. I love seeing him enjoying himself there!

His FAVORITE part of class is being underneath the parachute as all the moms shake it and pull it up and down above the babies. He squeals so loud and all the moms in class give a big "awwwww" over his excitement! :)

He loves getting outside and going to the park, he stares at the cars going by and any kids that may be playing nearby.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 01:36:09 GMT
Swim Lessons! I started Ian in swim lessons, and so far he loves it! He squeals with excitement and kicks his legs, and he even lowers his head under the water already and comes up smiling!!

Here he is when we first got there, I couldn't get a shot of him showing excitement, this is just his quiet observant phase. But he would look and stare at all the kids and commotion, and then every few minutes kicks and shake his head and shriek!

And here he is after class!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 01:26:44 GMT
More Videos Here is a video of Ian babbling, and scooting around -

Babbling in his highchair (the dishware is right in front because I had to try to disguise the phone so he wouldn't know I was recording him) -

Sitting up and playing with his cousin's blocks -

Wade was making him laugh pretty hard the other day, here are a couple videos... baby giggles are the best!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 01 Aug 2015 16:55:30 GMT
Our Little Love Making an effort to learn photography (aka how to use Wade's camera)... and get some pics of our little love without the helmet :)

And a couple with his stinking cute helmet...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:40:34 GMT
Little Babbling Videos Ian's REALLY began babbling this week. It's been really difficult to catch it in it's true form on video, so I've captured a few pieces of it here and there... but these really don't do his long babbling sessions justice. Usually it's like he's having a full-on babbling conversation with himself. But I was impatient to share this update, so here they are anyways!

Here he demonstrates a high-pitched squeaky babble...

And here he demonstrates one of his favorite things to do - drop something and stare at it, while babbling...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 28 Jul 2015 21:31:01 GMT
More 7 Month Photos! Enjoying a nice day at the park! Ian loves looking around when he's in a new environment, his favorite things to stare at are other kids and automobiles that pass by!

He loves trying to climb on me!!

He wasn't too enthused about the swing :)

A boy and his dog. Kyla stays faithfully by his side all the time!!

Waiting for the car to cool down with blasting A/C, this is his new exciting thing to do - stand in the captain's seat!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:02:48 GMT
San Diego Super Baby!! Ian got his helmet decal, and he looks SOOOooOOOooO cute!! He's now our little San Diego Super Charger!! I love that we have this little feature to help add a little fun to this whole experience! He's such a trooper adjusting to this whole thing, I'm so proud of the little guy!

After we picked up his new Charger themed helmet!

Love the back! (P.S. He loves watching Sesame Street in the morning)!

Breakfast the same day, rockin the high chair like a pro! This is the first time we used one successfully, and he was SO excited!!

And lastly, here he is napping in his stroller waiting for his helmet to be done... I mean, look at those long lashes!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 24 Jul 2015 03:04:59 GMT
Baby talk He loves hearing himself talk! ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:45:58 GMT
Scooting Ian!! Last week he started scooting, one step closer to crawling!! He really does a good job of getting to where he wants to go, so I'm getting my taste of what it will be like to have a mobile baby!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:45:27 GMT
Summertime fun! Last week Ian had his first pool day and beach day!! He liked both, especially the pool!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 19 Jul 2015 17:43:59 GMT
7 Months! Another month has flown by!!!!

Here are some new things he's been doing this past month:

- Rolling around all over the place!!

- Sitting up on his own!

- Babbling like crazy (noises include: ba, ma, da, ya, na... and I swear he's babbled "habla" so he already speaks Spanish!) ;)

- Scooting on his belly to get to where he wants to go, specializes in turning 360 degrees :)

- Sleeping on his stomach and side

- Laughs and is tickelish

- Regressed on eating solid foods, but is starting to pick it back up again (likes yogurt the best, and sweet potato, apricot, carrots... and hates butternut squash, and peas)

_ Gives big, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses

- Got his first TWO haircuts!

And of course, we had to take a few with his new accessory!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 11 Jul 2015 03:45:48 GMT
Ian's newest accessory This last month has been a roller coaster for us. I'll start this post by saying that from day one we have been very aware of, and doing everything we can to prevent, flat head. Flat head is the layman's term for brachycephaly, basically a flat spot on the back of babies heads. It's apparently a common problem these days since the 1990's when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended parents always place babies to sleep on their back to help prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Since this new recommendation, SIDS has decreased by 60%, but a rising problem is a flat spot on the back of the baby's head. There are certain things one can do to help prevent it, such as avoid certain devices, practice tummy time at an early age (and often), rotate the baby's head while sleeping, etc. etc. Anyways, it's ironic because we were always very aware of this problem, and did everything we could to prevent it, but...

At Ian's 6 month appointment his doctor expressed concern about the flatness of the back of his head and recommended we take him to a cranial place that creates these baby "helmets" which are technically called cranial bands, which help to correct the flat spot. I was initially pretty upset, second guessing everything I'd ever done with him. His pediatrician assured me there was nothing we could have done different, and some babies just sleep on the back of their head and don't turn at all while they sleep. We actually asked his pediatrician about his head at EVERY visit he's ever had, and it's never been of concern till 6 months, so it must've just gotten worse from his 4 month appointment to his 6 month appointment. 

So, to wrap this story up... we had a consultation, where they took a 3D image of his head and provided us with his measurements which concluded he had a moderate to severe flat spot. He would need to wear the band for 2.5 months, 23 hours a day. We stirred on the subject and went back and forth many times, but ultimately decided it was the right thing to do to proceed with the band. I was so relieved once we finally made the decision. I think the most difficult part was that we knew it would be a difficult transition (for him and for us). But the best part about our decision is that once he's completed his treatment, I will rest easy knowing we won't ever have to worry about it again.

He received his band yesterday, July 9th. I was a nervous wreck and I'm so glad the anticipation is over. So far he's adjusting really well, much better than I anticipated! The biggest problem is it's harder to soothe him for naps and bed, but after a little hard work, he finally relaxes. Last night he slept just as he would have without the band, and when he has it on during the day, he doesn't even seem to notice it! He's still our sweet, happy baby boy - I love this guy so much!

So our new chapter begins, and I know it will fly like the blink of an eye. I'm so proud of him and how well he's dealing with it, even though he's just a little baby, he's such a trooper. Wade and I are in the process of ordering a decal to decorate the band... that update will be coming soon!

Call me crazy, but I think he's pretty stinking cute in this thing!!

At the appointment, waiting for his band to arrive -

Here is our happy little angel, just leaving our appointment and already just chilling with his new accessory!

And so far he is still sleeping great during his naps and bedtime.. phew!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 11 Jul 2015 03:35:15 GMT
4th of July For the 4th Wade BBQ'd a brisket and we had the Trotts over. Leah brought the kiddy pool and their new little puppy, June. It was a great time all around!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 07 Jul 2015 01:16:18 GMT
Bathtime with Nana He was hamming it up for the camera the other night! Something about the way he looks at the camera in these pictures, it melts my heart!! <3


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 07 Jul 2015 01:16:12 GMT
Nana and Opa in town! I wish they didn't have to leave to go back to New York, but I'm grateful for every minute we have with them! And they are loving being with their grandchildren!

Nana making Maddox laugh -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 07 Jul 2015 01:15:55 GMT
Jumper Video Ian really took a liking to the jumper last week, here's a video of him having a ball!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 05 Jul 2015 15:19:51 GMT
Zoo and Gymboree Last week we went to the zoo with my mom and dad, Leah and Maddox. It was a hot and muggy day, but it was so much fun! Maddox really notices all the animals, I think Ian only noticed one or two.

I took Ian to a Gymboree class and he loved it!! My mom came too and it was fun to have her there to see all the fun different things they did in class. I think Ian's favorite part was the parachute and rolling these wiffle balls around on the mirror. I hope to bring him to more classes!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 05 Jul 2015 15:18:59 GMT
June updates Nana's in town!! (More pictures of the visit to come)...

I popped in a Baby Einstein DVD yesterday and Ian's eyes were glued to the TV like never before!!

Rocking his cousin's shades, on his head like Uncle Chris!

Last week this shoe was his absolute favorite thing to cram into his mouth! (I don't know why I feel it necessary to note this, but this is a pre-haircut picture)

Trying out the pool at Auntie Leah's house. He wasn't really sure what to think about it, maybe he'll like it a bit more next time!

Ian loves our daily walks with Kyla!

Park time!!

Ian and Maddox are interacting more and more these days!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 25 Jun 2015 17:07:06 GMT
Ian's First Haricut!! Ian's hair has officially entered a "funky" phase. Most of his hair from birth has fallen out, and has been replaced with lighter, wispy baby hair. But then there's this hair on top of his head that just keeps getting longer and longer... It was curling over the back of his head and nearly reaching the middle of the back of his head! We decided it was time to do something about it. I was really nervous we were going to really mess up his hair, but I think it actually came out really cute!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 25 Jun 2015 17:06:53 GMT
He's becoming a tummy sleeper! Ian's started rolling around all over his crib this week. We've found him several times sleeping on his belly in the middle of the night or in the morning, and sometimes when we put him down for a nap, he rolls around for a while before he finally settles down on his tummy. So cute!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 22 Jun 2015 21:11:55 GMT
6 Months! Ian turned 6 months this week!!!!!

This month he learned how to put his own pacifier back in! Yahoo!!

Here's some other things he started doing this month:

- Falling asleep at naps/bedtime in his crib with NO crying! :) :) :)

- Putting EVERYTHING in his mouth

- Trying to grab my phone and the remote control (constantly)

- Separation anxiety (cries when I leave the room)

- Rolls over from front to back and back to front, rolling all around the room!

- Responds to his name

- Getting much better at sitting up with little assistance

- He stopped using his pacifier during the day, he just all of a sudden really didn't fuss for it, or need it anymore! He's easily distracted when he gets fussy, and that helps a lot, too! We still use a pacifier for naps and bedtime.

- 6 Month Checkup: 26.5" (47%), 15 lbs 9 oz (15%), Head is 18" (83%)


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 09 Jun 2015 14:51:43 GMT
More Ian Videos He still loves this bouncer! And Kyla's in our faces, buggin like usual!

Here's a video of these new noises he's making, they crack me up!

More playtime and silly noises!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 09 Jun 2015 14:51:31 GMT
Sitting up (Almost)! This week Ian has really started to master sitting up on his own. He still needs someone on standby, but he's able to hold himself up pretty well for a little while without toppling over. I've noticed a significant difference even in the last few days, which has opened a whole new window of opportunities - sitting up in his stroller and facing out (as opposed to laying in his car seat facing me), and we even tried sitting in a shopping cart!

His first time sitting up in his stroller and facing out - he was so intrigued I don't think he knew what to think!

Sitting in a shopping cart for the first time, he was pretty excited! He kept making noises and swinging his legs!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Jun 2015 23:07:14 GMT
More Videos I'm posting this first video with a slight fear I'll be judged as a mean parent, but I'm doing it anyways. ;) This week, Ian is all of a sudden more easily scared of things, mostly loud things, that he wasn't ever scared of before. For example, the blender, my electric toothbrush, my blow dryer, etc. In addition to these other things, for some reason he finds it scary when I blow my nose. And when I discovered that, I found it kinda funny...  what an odd thing to be scared of! So I got in on video, and I haven't blown my nose in front of him since. I promise I don't continually scare my child for fun!!

Ian's been trying to put everything in his mouth lately, here's a video of him trying to pull my phone in his mouth as I'm recording :)

He's eating more and more pureed foods! So far he likes sweet potato, peaches, and carrots!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Jun 2015 23:05:04 GMT
Playtime and Naptime Ian's favorite position right now is standing, I wish I could invent a brace (not a jumper or anything else) but a brace that could just hold him up so I could get a break! ;)

For now, letting him use the couch (with me very close by of course) will have to do!

I set up a tent shelter in the backyard for playtime this week, he loved it!

Sitting up again!

Ian's been really, really good at napping lately and I hope it stays that way (I fear another sleep regression). For the past month he hasn't really fought a nap or bedtime when we put him in his crib! I think part of it is he's used to the idea of sleeping in his crib, and we've also perfected our routine and timing of putting him down. Anyways, he's at his cutest when you go in to get him after he wakes up. He's always smiling up at us from his crib, either playing with his pacifier (he likes practicing taking it out and putting it back in) or playing with Mr. Mouse (pictured below). ;)

Here's a little video from after one of his naps -

I love his cuddles when he wakes up!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 03 Jun 2015 23:04:08 GMT
Bathtime video He loves getting his baths!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 28 May 2015 15:32:52 GMT
Ian's first train ride This past weekend we took the train up to San Juan Capistrano to meet Wade's cousin Nicole and her husband Sean and their baby Harper. We had a great time and I LOVED taking the train - and so did Ian!! It was so cute to see how excited he got, he's becoming more and more observant of his surroundings, and was able to look out the window, and down the aisles... a few times he was so excited he was shrieking!

Taking his afternoon nap after we got home, he's so peaceful when he sleeps <3

And lastly, here's a pic from that night,  after his bath. He's become obsessed with putting his foot in his mouth!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 26 May 2015 17:38:49 GMT
Ian knows his name!! A couple of weeks ago Ian started turning to us when we'd say his name but I wasn't sure if it was just a coincidence. Now I can confidently say he knows his name! It's so cool to get his attention with his name, I love it!!

Other updates: he's getting better and better at eating solids. We've been feeding him baby oatmeal and I think it's helped him get used to the idea of swallowing food other than milk! This week I'm making both sweet potato and carrot puree, hopefully he likes it!

Here's a video of him eating, and recognizing his name! (I know he responds kinda slow in this video, but I promise you, he knows his name!!)

The noises he makes when he's excited!...

Jenny and Jeremiah came to San Diego to visit!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 21 May 2015 20:57:34 GMT
My First Mother's Day My first Mother's Day was so great, it's my new favorite holiday (besides Christmas)! Really it was a great entire weekend! I got to go to the gym both mornings, Saturday morning I did yoga which really helped me relax and get rid of all that stress from Ian fighting his naps lately!! Sunday I did a different active workout class which was also great. I was planning to surf Sunday, but it rained really hard on Friday so decided to stay out of the water.

Anyways, Saturday night Wade made me dinner, (anything I wanted), and I requested bolognese pasta - which was delicious! Then on Sunday we had Leah, Chris, Maddox and Jason over for an afternoon Mother's Day BBQ! I don't have many pictures from the day, except these few.

Wade's dad stopped by on Sunday and gave me these little cowboy boots which used to be Wade's! I actually already have TWO pair of cowboy boots that were also his when he was little (but in slightly bigger sizes) that his mom's side of the family had. Apparently he really did love cruising around in cowboy boots when he was a kid and exploring all that there was to see. Anyways, we decided to let Ian try them on for size. I think they suit him pretty well!

Here they all are!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 11 May 2015 18:11:07 GMT
Eating Solids Last week we started feeding eating solid food! His very first food was mashed up avocado, which he didn't like :( When I watch the video I have mixed emotions of feeling bad for him, but also kinda laughing. Poor little guy. Since then he's had banana and baby oatmeal which he liked much better!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 11 May 2015 01:52:07 GMT
Updates from last week This past weekend we took Ian to the zoo, he slept through most of it but we bought an annual pass so I'm really looking forward to taking him back throughout this next year!

We went to the Cuyamaca College Water Conservation Garden to browse drought friendly plants for our yard. Behind Wade is a display of different types of grass, can you guess which one required the least amount of water annually?? Yep, the UC Verde Buffalo Grass he planted in our backyard!!

Ian's getting better and better at tummy time, he wiggles his legs and is starting to pull them under him. I think he's going to crawl before I know it!!

I bought these glasses at Target yesterday and they make me laugh so hard when I put them on him. He reminds me of a baby Ray Charles or something.

Wade taught Ian his first trick - he can hold his own bottle!!!

This outfit was gifted to me from Janelle when I was about 4 months pregnant. My first gift of baby clothes, size 6 months. It's crazy to me that he fits into them now.

Last week he fell asleep on me like this and the cuteness of it nearly killed me.

We had a baby party at my house last week (not really). Tiger stopped by and it overlapped with Natalie coming over so we had 3 babies in the house! Of course we documented the three of them...

We stopped by to visit Great Grandma Gloria and Great Grandpa Peter last weekend, too. It's so endearing to see how much they love Ian.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 10 May 2015 02:51:02 GMT
5 Months! Another month has flown by!! Here are some new things Ian's been doing this past month:

- Rolling over from his back to his stomach

- Grabbing his feet

- Staring at and reaching out to touch Kyla (our dog)

- Babbling a lot, sounds like "yayaya"... I've really been working on him with the "mama" sound ;)

- Getting stronger and stronger at practicing standing and sitting, and tummy time!

So here are the 5 month pics, as you can see, I think this past month can be marked as the month Ian "discovered" his feet!!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 08 May 2015 17:14:06 GMT
Lucy Loves Ian Lucy (Natalie's baby) came to visit this week and we had a mini photo shoot which was a disaster but hilarious to try. Hopefully next time we have better luck! Here are some of the pictures, we need some work!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 07 May 2015 18:16:38 GMT
More Videos Ian is starting to notice and acknowledge Kyla. He really studies and stares at her. Lately he's been reaching out to grab her when she comes up to him, it's so cute!

He's still a squeaker!! He squeals when he gets excited, and kicks his legs - He loves this bouncing jumper we borrowed from Andrew and Serena! Today he learned how to really make it bounce with his legs!!

More leg kicking!!

And lastly, here's a video of Ian trying to wake up in his car seat... this video cracks me up!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 02 May 2015 00:36:56 GMT
Las Gaviotas Last week we took a short trip to join the Trotts and Jason in Las Gaviotas. We rented a cool 3 bedroom house and stayed Wednesday to Saturday. Ian was a trooper and is proving to be a great traveler (so far)! It was a great little getaway, I surfed both days and am extremely rusty and was exhausted from the paddling, but it felt so nice to get back out and I hope to continue to surf and keep it up! It was also great to have Wade around to help out and it never gets old seeing them together. Here are some pictures from the trip!

I think Leah will hate this picture, but I like it!

This is a blurry picture but I can't bring myself to delete it! I love the look on his face!

Typical Jason.

The view from our front patio.

This photo shows the infection in his right eye, but again, I can't bring myself to delete it. Still shows his sweet little face! (P.S. He's on ANOTHER antibiotic for his eye and is doing much better now!)

This duo is also too cute, Uncle Jay is really great with this one. Maddox helping Chris wax my board!

Wade made paella one night on the beach, it was sooooo good!

Here is the house we rented!

And as we were waiting to cross the border, Wade decided to order a Camarones which he was pretty excited about!

This picture is from the day we got home, Ian is wearing a tank top that used to be his when he was a baby. And I thought it was only appropriate to take a picture as Wade was also wearing a tank.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:42:27 GMT
Cousin Harper Visits! Today we had Grandma and Grandpa Gerola, Uncle, BB, Michelle, Sean, Nicole and 5 week old Harper come visit for an afternoon bbq! (And Mike and Pam joined the fun too!) I don't have many pictures of the adults, but here are some of the shots I took while they were here! We love Harper Louis and can't wait for all the fun visits we will have for years to come!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 12 Apr 2015 00:41:17 GMT
4 Months! Ian is now 4 months old - how the past 4 months have flown by! I look at Ian and can't believe how different he's become. Where did our newborn baby go??!

New things he's been doing this month:

- Sucking on his fingers

- Making a new sound to hear his voice, sounds like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," and squealing sounds (LOUD squealing!)

- Likes to sit up (with help) and practice standing

- Getting better and better at tummy time, can lay on his tummy and hold his head up without getting frustrated and TURNED OVER this month (stomach to back)

- Better hand/eye coordination, likes to put toys into his mouth

- Starting signs of giggles

- Transitioned out of the swaddle and sleeps in a sleep sack with his arms out!

- 4 Month Checkup: 25 1/4" (51%), 14 lbs 1 oz (19%), Head 17" (89%)

Happy 4 months Ian Bernd, we love you!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 06 Apr 2015 21:18:31 GMT
Easter 2015 Ian's first Easter this year was great! We had Leah, Chris, Jason and Maddox over for an afternoon bbq, and we hid a few eggs for Maddox to find and Leah made a basket for him with presents! I couldn't resist buying Ian this ridiculously cute outfit including hat and vest and tie shirt. Hopefully he doesn't hate me for it when he gets older! ;)

Here are some pics from the day -

And here are a few from my phone...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 06 Apr 2015 21:17:24 GMT
Random Stuff Here is a picture of us at Stroller Strides (mom workout group I joined), Ian was being fussy in his stroller so we took a break from the workout as I wore him around Balboa Park and watched all the mommas exercise -

Wade's working on my planter box for our vegetable garden and it's almost done!!!

Watching these two interact never gets old! Maddox discovered Ian will grab his fingers, and he also was putting his head on Ian's and giving him "kisses" after I did - so cute!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 06 Apr 2015 21:17:01 GMT
Turning Over! Ian is officially turning over, one week away from turning 4 months! I'm going to be honest, the first time he did it, it almost seemed like an accident. But the's really got the hang of it now!  The other day he did it twice in a row, this video is of him doing it the second time (please excuse my mom mouse voice) -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 02 Apr 2015 14:46:56 GMT
Unswaddled! We have become successful transitioning Ian out of the swaddle!!  We started when he was a little over 3 months old and was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be, he'd work himself all up with his arms out when we tried putting him down at night.  I'd say this was our first difficult transition with the little guy, we've been lucky so far with everything else.  But once we started to slowly transition him out, starting with one arm out for the first week (and also bought a swaddle sleep sack that helps with the transition), he started sleeping unswaddled with both arms out as of last week! What a big baby he's become!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 02 Apr 2015 14:23:54 GMT
Baby Giggles! Today Ian warmed my heart with his first baby giggles!  It started when I pretended to imitate his yawn and he thought it was funny, so it turned into this -

I've started helping Leah and Chris by watching Maddox every other Monday.  They are a handful together and I'm not used to this whole two-kid-thing, but so far it's been going well.  It's so cute to see the two of them together, Maddox was so intrigued with his cousin this week! 


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 31 Mar 2015 03:45:50 GMT
Ian Updates Ian's right eye has become more swollen. He's had a blocked tear duct since he was born (which his doctor says will resolve itself eventually), but it's been acting up more than usual.  I brought him to the doctor today and they prescribed a different type of antibiotic, oral and and ointment... so hopefully his poor eye gets better soon!

He's started to squeal a lot, and kick his legs like crazy.  He also loves to straighten his legs and practice standing!

Here's some pics from the week!

I love this shirt, we got it at the shower from Nahir -

He really took a liking to this animal blanket this week, it was a gift from his Auntie Sierra! 

Ian loves to hold his ears when he's tired, sleeping, or needs to self soothe.

This video shows his first "fall over" (instead of roll over)! He was getting tired and frustrated and wanted to not be on his tummy anymore, but don't worry I give him breaks in between his tummy time workouts! Anyways, later that day he did a rollover on a flat surface!

This video cracks me up.  Wade holds Ian in front of him sometimes and pointed out to me that Ian will grab his thumbs and how it's so cute and it's like he's flying a fighter jet.  Since then Wade's decided it's actually more like he's flying a helicopter with two joy sticks.  Anyways, this is a new thing they do where Wade flies Ian around on missions and it makes me laugh every time!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 28 Mar 2015 23:18:49 GMT
Chargers baby!! Hoping they stay in San Diego!!! Also, I think we have a Chargers onesie in each size for the first year - our friends and family know us too well!

Some more pics from the week -

He loves his changing table!! 

Great grandma Gloria and Great grandpa Peter each holding a hand while Ian naps in his car seat <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 24 Mar 2015 14:32:17 GMT
3 and a Half Months This video is so cute, it's of Ian when Wade does this thing where he blows in his face and Ian loves it!  It's funny cause I try to do it to him, but he doesn't like it as much as when Wade does it.

Maddox showing his little cousin how to hold his own bottle.

Wade and Ian doing boy stuff, working on the yard.

On an afternoon stroll.

Ian is making more and more noises each day, his newest noise - squeaking!  

And lastly, someone got caught with something they aren't supposed to have - a garden tool.  I love the look on her face!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:54:51 GMT
Dena Doodles Yesterday we lay Dena to rest. She lived 17 long years as my companion, I had her throughout high school, college and all through my twenties.  She saw me through good times and bad, and waited till I had met the love of my life and started my family to say goodbye.  She lived a great life and I was so lucky to have had her.  She will live on in our memories but will forever be missed. 

It was the toughest thing I've ever had to do, but she's at peace now.  I'm very grateful to Leah and Chris for their help and that we were able to put her down in her own home, in her own bed, in my arms.  I miss her so much already.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 18 Mar 2015 14:57:09 GMT
Ian's First Vacation - Sonoma Our first trip as a family was a complete success!  Wade had a work conference in Sonoma and Ian and I tagged along!  We meet up with Steve and Jeannette over the weekend in their town which is about 40 minutes from Sonoma, and then Sunday afternoon we headed to Sonoma for the last few days for the conference.  Ian did great on both flights, and in the shuttles and car drives - he was a great travel baby!!  

Ian on the shuttle to the car rentals after we landed!

We took a lunch break, the whole family was hungry… including Ian :)

Ian after one of his hotel baths, look how curly his hair is when it's wet!! He's lost a lot of hair on the sides, but he's still got a mop on top!

Ian and I doing some park time in Sonoma while Wade is golfing for "work"...

Ian and Wade taking a nap together - this was too cute!!!

More smiley playtime!!

And more!!

These clothes were a gift from one of Wade's customers, this is his athletic-thug look -

This photo's caption, "what's up yo?"

Sleepy time after his bath.

One thing I've really learned to do in the last 3 months - MULTITASK!!

Wade's 37th birthday was yesterday, and we surprised him with a cake at a friend's house - Happy Birthday Wade, we love you!!

Great Grandpa Peter and Great Auntie Enid came by for a visit and were having so much fun with Ian!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 15 Mar 2015 23:40:04 GMT
3 Months! This post is about 10 days late, it took me a while to upload these photos - but better late than never!  Happy 3 months, Ian Bernd!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 15 Mar 2015 23:20:14 GMT
Sleeping Through the Night?! Ian is three months today (3 month photos coming soon), and last night he didn't wake up AT ALL - he slept through the night!!! It was amazing, the most sleep I've had in a long time. I'm not sure how long it will be till that happens again, but boy did I enjoy it!

Here are a few pics from this past week -

This hat nana made for him is still too big, but I couldn't resist putting it on him!

My everything (minus Dena - who just turned 17 yesterday by the way!!!) - love this little family of mine <3

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 06 Mar 2015 15:56:57 GMT
Almost 3 Months!! New things Ian's been doing:

- Shoving his hands in his mouth

- Flailing his arms and legs around and batting at toys that hang above him

- New noises, cooing and squeals, and noises that kinda sound like the beginning of a laugh

- And he now REALLY turns his head when he hears Wade or I talking, especially if he hasn't seen one of us in a while.. he has this look in his eyes like we've been gone forever and smiles so big!

This week Wade had a conference at The Grand Del Mar, which is I think the only 5 star resort in San Diego... it is VERY fancy.  So Ian and I made a little trip to stay with him and pretended like we were on vacation!  The next morning I took Ian on a little hike to a close peak with a great view of the resort!

Wade and  Ian in the morning before the conference, note hand shoving in mouth ;)

Wade and I went for an afternoon stroll to the post office, Ian's starting to be really good chilling in the Ergo carrier!

Natalie stopped by this week and while holding Ian, gave him a new hair-do :)


Ian wearing the onesie Cory made at the baby shower, really compliments his muscles.

Modeling the outfit Nana got him for Christmas... it fits now that he's growing into 3 month clothes!

Another video during playtime -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 28 Feb 2015 02:48:58 GMT
Baby Smiles I love these smiles, they light up my life!!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 21 Feb 2015 01:54:03 GMT
Ian's Mug Shot and other Random Stuff We got Ian's passport photos taken the other day. He looks like he's wearing a toupee!! ;)

I dusted the whole house with this little monkey clinging to me like this, I just thought it was too cute!!!

Ian and Charlie, Tiger and Holly's baby. They were born 2 weeks apart.

Wade says Ian looks like a Teletubby in these jammies :)

Ian's been making lots of new noises lately, including this little cough...


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 19 Feb 2015 01:21:30 GMT
Valentine's Day Our first Valentine's Day with Ian was great!  Wade made me the most delicious dinner, and we ate out on the patio as the sun set.  I've never really been a fan of the holiday, but I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Felt extra lucky this year with these two Valentines <3

Wade's dinner included grilled chicken shaped as a heart!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 15 Feb 2015 16:18:14 GMT
Baby Wade/Baby Ian By request from Jenny Christopher - here are a few comparison photos of Wade as a baby, and Ian. Most people say Ian looks like Wade, and but some still say he looks like me.  I think he takes more after his father, but I don't think they look alike as a baby at all.  What do you think??

And here is another one of Wade...

And here are a couple of me...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:25:57 GMT
2 Months This is what happens when I can't decide on pictures, you get about 20 of the same pictures with slight variations!! :)

This month he started smiling!! :)

2 Month Checkup: 24" (83%), 11 lbs 9.6 oz (25%), Head 68%

And here he is before, and during a sneeze...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 10 Feb 2015 22:33:37 GMT
Saturday Morning Jammy-time! I'm running out of creative subjects for these posts where all I want to do is just post pictures, ha!  ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 07 Feb 2015 18:36:47 GMT
Daytime smiles! Yesterday all we got was those smiles in the morning... but today he's smiling midday!!  Yahoo!!

Kyla is really interested in all things Ian, and she's all up in our faces when we do tummy time!

I love the infant "startle reflex", it never gets old and is so cute!!  For those who don't know what it is, it's near the beginning of the video where he throws out his arms and legs.

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 06 Feb 2015 22:52:42 GMT
Baby smiles and more! Ian is officially smiling!!! Full-on, gummy, ear-to-ear smiles!  His smiles melt my heart, I never knew a smile could mean so much.

This morning I captured a few blurry pictures on my camera!

Wade, Ian and I went to a friend's Super Bowl party, my how the times have changed - this picture captures it all! ;)

Ian is becoming more and more alert each day, and really becoming more responsive to things.  Here are a couple of videos of him during our playtime yesterday - 

And last but not least, Wade stayed home this week on Monday and Tuesday and we helped watch Maddox Monday morning.  Here is a picture of Wade taking care of business.  Paying bills AND watching two kids while I emptied the dishwasher.  He's a pro! ;)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 05 Feb 2015 15:55:52 GMT
Bassinet Graduation I forgot to mention last week that Ian graduated to his crib!!  At about 6 weeks, we started putting him down in his crib when he would take naps (baby steps more for me to get used to it I think).  After a few days of that, I just decided I might as well just put him back in his crib for his first evening nap, and then it was 10pm and I feel asleep - and whamo, he's sleeping in his crib now!  The first few nights were tough, I kept dreaming that something was wrong with him in his crib, and I was obsessively checking the monitor.  But after a few nights I got used to it and overall I sleep better now with him in there cause when he was next to our bed I'd wake up to every little noise he would make in his sleep.  I feel fortunate it's gone so smoothly, as long as he is good and asleep when we put him in there, and swaddled really well, we have no problems!


One of my favorite things - how he falls asleep on my shoulder after being burped!

Pretty sure one day I'll look back at this picture and think "man, I look so tired...", and then I'll remember he was worth every sleepless moment and more.  Love this guy!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 01 Feb 2015 18:56:39 GMT
Cousin Love Yesterday I stopped by Leah and Chris's and Maddox took a new interest in Ian.  He was very gentle for the first time, holding his wrist, looking at his hands, touching his face - it was so cute!  I think these cousins will become great buds one day!

Here is a video of the cute interaction -

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 31 Jan 2015 16:55:48 GMT
Captain Adorable The shirt says it all!!

He's still a mouth-breather ;)

Smiling in his sleep!

These booties are from Sophie and her wife Leah, and I cannot get over how cute they are!!

Ian loves his visits from Great Auntie Enid!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:33:07 GMT
7 weeks Ian is now 7 weeks old!  I'm going to honest, there is no point to this post other than to post pictures! 

Ready for our morning walk...

Here he is getting drowsy in his stroller while we are at the park.  I think he's starting to look more and more like Wade, and I'm calling it now - he totally has his dad's eyebrows!

January 23rd - all dressed up to have a breakfast date with Tiger, Holly and his BFF Charlie.  Then later to visit his dad's work to show off his cuteness!

I just love these overalls, thanks Nahir!

Natalie, Lucy, Kyla, Ian and I at Kate Sessions Park - momma workouts!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 23 Jan 2015 17:00:28 GMT
Videos I'm still playing catch up since Ian's been born.  Here are some videos I've been meaning to post.  I just like them because they already show how much he's grown since his birth!

I love how this video captures the cute noises he makes when he's hungry.  (Here he is 2 weeks old)

This might be a weird mom thing, but I think this video is so cute because it is of him "rooting" and wanting to feed... which is just adorable to me.  Here he is trying to feed on my arm.  Everything this little guy does melts me heart :)  (In this video he is also 2 weeks old)

This is a video of him making noises while he sleeps in Nana's arms.  He sounds like a squeeky chair to me.  (He's 2 weeks old here as well)

And here's one from last week (6 weeks old) where he has a case of the cutest hiccups that ever existed.  This video also captures a new "cooing" noise he's making!


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:35:08 GMT
More baby pics

This one is Wade's favorite...

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:31:33 GMT
Finally finished! I wanted to take these pictures, and I finally got the shots we needed to make it work!  It was way more difficult than I thought it'd be - but worth it I think!!

I plan to frame and hang in the baby room!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:05:14 GMT
6 Weeks Ian is 6 weeks old, and this morning I swear I almost saw a smile!!  I don't have a great pic, and it doesn't do it justice, but I swear there was extra expression in his face and a slight curl of the corner of his mouth!  Any day now he's supposed to be smiling back at us, and I cannot WAIT to see his gummy smile.  Wade says he's smiled at him twice, but I think it's just gas ;)

Here is his pic with his "smile"...

Ready to go for a car ride!

Tummy time with dad! Four generations...

Morning yawns...


[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:25:44 GMT
1 Month Happy 1 Month, Ian Bernd!!

1 Month Checkup: 22 1/4" (81%), 9 lbs 6 oz (35%), Head 15 1/4 (89%)

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:00:35 GMT
Ian Bernd Van Dusen He's here!!!!!!

Saturday, December 6th, 2014 at 6:14am our lives were forever changed.  Ian Bernd Van Dusen was born at 6:14am at 7 pounds 9 ounces, 20 inches long. <3

I started feeling contractions around 10:00pm on Friday night, right as we were getting into bed. They were pretty subtle, and everything I had learned in birthing class was that if you felt contractions you should just try to get some sleep because labor can progress so slowly. So I told Wade to try to get some sleep and I'd wake him if I needed to. I never could fall asleep and the contractions got progressively stronger (i.e. more painful) by around midnight Wade woke up to my breathing (and probably moaning) trying to control the pain. So we started counting the contractions as they got stronger and stronger and after about an hour they were 3-5 minutes apart, we called the doctor to tell them we would be on our way soon to the hospital. In addition to all this, at midnight our power shut off, SDG&E was doing some maintenance that night. So I had a candle-lit shower before we left which was actually very calming. I remember Wade staring me down, and looking back it was probably because my contractions were so close but in my mind I just thought it would take a lot longer for the whole labor to happen and I didn't want to arrive at the hospital to just be turned away. I wanted to labor as much as possible at home. Anyways, we arrived at the hospital around 2am, checked in and I was 4 cm dilated (I'm not mentioning the two times I puked). By this time my contractions were becoming very painful. By the time they got me into the labor and delivery room I kept asking how long until I could get the epidural. I had to get enough fluids first through the IV. By the time the anesthesiologist came in it was just in the nick of time, I was in very active labor. The nurse told Wade and I to relax for a couple hours and they'd check me later. The next thing I know, maybe 30 minutes later, she checks me and tells me in a surprised tone, "Oh! I think you're ready to go!" Then she goes over to her computer, looks back and says, "Oh! I'll go get the team"... (I'm assuming she saw something progressing)... She rushes to get the doctor, comes back tells me to give a couple practice pushes, then tells me to stop. The doctor comes in, I push during two contractions, and out he came!! I couldn't have asked for a better labor! The whole team was shocked at how fast he came for my first child.

As I'm writing this post, Ian is now almost 5 weeks old.  I never thought I'd love being a mom this much, our love for him is indescribable.  So far things are going great, he's a really sweet baby and doesn't fuss very much at all.  He's a sweetheart - and we hope he stays that way! ;)

I have several weeks of pictures to catch up on, so here we go!

Starting minutes after his birth...

Wade's first time holding his son.

Ready to ride home from the hospital!!


Getting his first sponge bath - look at his frog feet!!

Ian's first Christmas! Love our growing family!!

Christmas Eve

Our first outing - lunch at Fred's after picking Opa up at the airport!

Opa Bernd!

Cousins meet!!

Great Grandma Gloria and Great Grandpa Peter

Go Chargers - TOUCHDOWN!!

Ian wearing his outfit from Uncle Jason - love this little coat!!

All bundled up after his bath - thanks Aunt Lisa for the cute towel!!

Our first wedding as a family of three!!  Ian got several compliments on his formal tie onesie, made courtesy of Jennie Gendron at the baby shower!

And lastly, Ian's first photo shoot :)

Ian Bernd-6Ian Bernd-6 Ian Bernd-7Ian Bernd-7 Ian Bernd-8Ian Bernd-8 Ian Bernd-10Ian Bernd-10 Ian Bernd-9Ian Bernd-9 Ian Bernd-11Ian Bernd-11 Ian Bernd-12Ian Bernd-12 Ian Bernd-13Ian Bernd-13 Ian Bernd-14Ian Bernd-14 Ian Bernd-15Ian Bernd-15 Ian Bernd-16Ian Bernd-16 Ian Bernd-17Ian Bernd-17

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:50:40 GMT
Maternity Photos Last weekend Wade and I went and took family photos of the Trotts at a local park, and attempted to take some shots of ourselves as well to save some money and not hire a professional photographer -  I really wanted some maternity photos!  Anyways, I think we learned a lot about how to improve taking photos in the future, but I think we got some pretty decent shots!
I may or may not try to get some more pictures before the baby comes... since there were so many photo ideas that I wanted to try that we didn't end up doing.  So stay tuned!!
Ian Bernd-1-3Ian Bernd-1-3 Ian Bernd-2-2Ian Bernd-2-2 Ian Bernd-3-2Ian Bernd-3-2 Ian Bernd-4-2Ian Bernd-4-2 Ian Bernd-6-2Ian Bernd-6-2 Ian Bernd-7-2Ian Bernd-7-2 Ian Bernd-8-2Ian Bernd-8-2 Ian Bernd-10-2Ian Bernd-10-2
...Amateur Maternity Photos Continued...
We ended up taking a few more shots in our backyard before the baby -
Ian Bernd-1-2Ian Bernd-1-2
The cowboy boots were Wade's when he was little - love these!!
Ian Bernd-2Ian Bernd-2 Ian Bernd-3Ian Bernd-3 Ian Bernd-4Ian Bernd-4 Ian Bernd-5Ian Bernd-5




[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:34:00 GMT
Happy Halloween!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:45:00 GMT
35 Weeks   I can't believe I'm 35 weeks already, only 5 weeks left to my due date!!

Last night I was laying on my side watching TV and he was moving a LOT.  The movements have started to feel very different, less like little kicks and jabs, now it feels more forceful and more like pushing.  Sometimes he'll just move around and push out on my belly in one area, and my belly looks crooked!  Other times I'll feel him on one side of my belly and the other at the same time, like he's trying to stretch!  I can definitely tell he's running out of room in there!

Since my last post we've had our shower which turned out great, Leah did such a great job (and so did mom from afar)!  We've bought the rest of the necessities for the baby and the baby room, and the baby room is almost completely put together!  Wade and I have our hospital tour next Monday, and a few more classes, and then we should be ready - no sweat! ;)

We are still working on ideas for names, but we have a list of favorites.  I remain adamant - I want to see him before we name him!  Speaking of, I cannot WAIT to meet this little guy.  Just thinking about getting hold him can bring tears to my eyes!!

Getting ready for people to arrive at the shower!
Side belly shot (Kyla photo bombing)
Mom made the cutest beanie!!!
Some of Wade's fam at the shower :)
My belly looking crooked!

And lastly, here is a video of him moving last night, I was poking at him and it was so fun to see his reaction!  It's my first way of really interacting with him - so fun!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:30:00 GMT
26 Weeks

25 weeks - Maxi skirts and dresses are my new favorite thing. You can't get much more comfy than flowy loose clothing!!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything went well, the baby's heartbeat sounded great and the doctor gave me a chart to start counting his kicks once a day.  She also mentioned we need to decide on a pediatrician and schedule birthing classes - it's getting close!!!

We also have new exciting news, Wade and I adopted a dog last weekend!! We've been wanting a new dog to add to the family for a while, and had been talking with a few foster agencies. Saturday we went to one of their events and fell in love with this sweet girl, we named her Kyla. She is such a sweetheart! She is really mellow, well behaved and eager to learn. She's the perfect addition and is a great size at 40 pounds! She's very gentle with Dena too, and the two of them are getting along great (what little interaction they have since Dena is old and doesn't care much to socialize). ;)

We feel so lucky to have found her and have had so much fun welcoming her into our home these past few days!

Walking her to our car after we signed all the adoption paperwork!
The day we brought her home Wade started practicing "sit" with her. 

I brought her into work one day and she was such a good girl!!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:15:00 GMT
22 Weeks I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and all is well with the baby! I love my new doctor and so glad I switched!!
About a week and a half ago, I started to feel him move - yay!! I couldn't  wait to feel him!! It felt like the slightest little flutters at first. Now they are starting to feel like little muscle twitches. Yesterday I could feel him moving at work for the first time (before that it was only at night I felt him move). I'm really looking forward to having Wade be able to feel him, but so far it's too subtle for him to feel anything.  
Everything else is great, Wade's been working hard in the backyard to have it done before the baby arrives!
20 weeks
22 weeks
Wade had to till and pick ax the entire bacjyard, here's just one side. 
Nana came to town to visit!
Mom helping me paint the baby room.
Took advantage of this perk for the first time!!
Maddox and I playing in his kiddie pool Nana got him. He loves blowing on your leg!!
I survived another year working Comic-Con!

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:05:00 GMT
18 Weeks

It was so cool to sit there and watch him move on the screen. It still blows my mind I have this little human growing inside my body. I haven't felt him move yet, but they say any day now over the next few weeks it'll happen. I cannot wait!

16 weeks pregnant

19 weeks pregnant

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 07 Jul 2014 19:28:00 GMT
We're having a baby!!!

The due date is November 30th, one day off from the day Maddox was born!!

I plan to update this blog periodically with my pregnancy updates, and eventually use this blog as a source to upload lots and lots of baby pictures!

This is my last ultrasound image taken on May 20th (when I was 12 weeks). 

My belly starting to show on our trip in Kauai, May 24th. 

My first baby gifts!!... The cutest outfits from Janelle! ❤️

[email protected] (Van Dusen Family) Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:05:00 GMT