Joshua Tree and Idyllwild

October 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

In the beginning of October we did our annual Joshua Tree camping trip with Wade's cousin Nicole and her family. We look forward to it every year. This year we rented a converted camper van, the kids loved it! The first night we stayed in Idyllwild, just us. It was so much fun! The boys love camping and it's so fun to share with them!

Florida, Easter, Karate and more!

May 08, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Ian started karate classes last week and he loves it! We started a 5 class session, but I think we will keep him in for a while. He learns so many things from coordination and following direction and not to mention he gets his punching and kicking out of his system!! He's been SO into sword fighting lately, it's a bit exhausting! At his first class he had to break a board to get his belt - it was so cute and he was so excited! <3

When I say we're going to take a picture - "CHEESE!!!"

Wade picked Ian up from school one day and they went out to lunch and this is the picture he sent me. He's just getting so big. <3

I can't remember if I already posted this - but Reed wanted to wear his backpack one day when we were dropping off Ian at preschool. It was so cute I had to document it. And I'm glad I did, it's one of my most favorite recent pictures of them! He just wants to be like his big bro!

Everything super-hero, sword fighting, bad guys, and all.

Florida was a blast. Wade had a conference Tuesday-Friday but then Friday we hit the road and headed to the Florida Keys! We stayed a wonderful family-friendly resort on Duck Key and shared a villa with one of my good friends.

Easter Sunday - matching shirts from Grammy! <3

We met Bill and Christy at a Spring Festival down at a Botanical Garden down near them and Ian got to try out tree climbing equipment and swing. He loved it but when asked what he wanted to be when he grows up he still said a paleontologist. <3

My friend got tickets to Disney on Ice and I got to take Ian the other night. He was SO mesmerized by the show, and had so much fun! It was a very special evening to share with him - I'm not sure who had more fun, him or me.  Love this kid so so so much.

Reed Garrett. My goodness he melts my heart. He's so sweet, happy, and a very easy-going kid. His tantrums don't last long. Most of the time I just have to do is validate how he's feeling (say something like, "I know, you want more candy" after I wouldn't let him) and he just nods and calms down. You can tell TWO is coming, but he never is upset for long. He's got a different personality and I love watching that grow.

A couple of weeks ago he said goodbye to his pacifier. I'm so proud of him. He was so encouraged by pep talks of being a "big boy"... Wade and I would ask him, "are you a big boy?" and he would nod proudly and utter "uh-huh"... Ian also would come in and tell him he didn't need it, he was a big boy and I really think it made a difference. Of course, it took a few times of extra soothing before sleep, but by day 3 he was SO proud and went to sleep with no fuss! He actually thought it was funny to ask for his "ba-ba" and I'd say "you don't need a ba-ba anymore!" and he'd throw his head back and laugh.

And a couple weeks later, Wade and I decided it was time to start putting the boys to bed together. A small adjustment but felt like a big change - they are getting so big! We always put Reed to bed first since he was a baby, but Ian doesn't nap anymore and is tired earlier and Reed doesn't fall asleep right away when we put him to bed. Lots of times he's still awake when we walk Ian in... Ian also started sleeping in later in the mornings so I decided Ian needed an earlier bedtime and we would put them to bed together. They LOVE it. And it's easier for us, too! Brush teeth together, read books together - goodnight!!

The big brother chokehold hug! xoxoxox0


April 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

This week we say goodbye to Wade's mom's house on Japatul. It was an emotional day, as the family spread ashes, and remembered loved ones. Here are some pictures of the day -

Another Update!

March 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A message was passed down to me that Wade's grandma Betty asked why the blog isn't updated anymore. I just assumed that people weren't looking at the blog... so now I'm motivated once again to keep this thing going!

Let's see, Reed is now 21 months old and starting to say new words daily now. I just asked his doctor about his progress because I was a little concerned, but then the rest of the day I worked on writing down all the words he knows so I can really add them up and I figured out he knows more than 40 words! So I think we are ok for now... I'm just so busy it didn't seem like much or maybe in comparison to Ian. But at that rate he is on track with his speech. And then over the next couple of days he said new words - like he heard me talking about it and is trying to prove he can talk ;) He said buckle, cracker, and glasses! All new words since yesterday! (although the words sound more like bucka, caca, and gaga.... ha!)

I'll say it again - THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER I JUST LOVE THEM TO PIECES! See images below to see what I am talking about. <3 These boys just are so sweet together, it makes my heart so happy. The other day Ian's preschool director saw how sweet Ian was to Reed giving him a caring hug and she was so impressed and made sure to tell me I'm lucky. (I know, I know I'm lucky... I thank my lucky stars everyday for the life I have and my sweet boys. BUT the days can be hard and it's nice to hear - especially from a woman who cares for kids all day!)

Ian is becoming SUCH a big kid! His thoughts are becoming more advanced. Yesterday I asked him which he thought was further away from us, the moon or a hot air balloon. And he knew the answer and explained it pretty well, saying the hot air balloon was in the sky on Earth. He broke his arm last month, slipping on hardwood floor in his socks. But it was just a small fracture. He had to wear a brace for 4 weeks and it's already healed. He was a really a good sport about the entire thing.

The other day Reed wanted to wear his toy backpack (that we keep in the car) to preschool drop off and it was so freaking cute. He just wants to be like Ian. He pats his shoulder and says "backback" (aka backpack). Summer is around the corner and you can start to feel it in the weather and the longer days and I just know this is going to be such a fun summer in our new home/neighborhood with our friends and my parents so close now. I'm really looking forward to all the fun times ahead for us.

We are going to Florida in April and Palm Springs in May so I hope to update after those trips! Thanks for reading, and if you do, don't be afraid to mention it to me! Sometimes it feels like I'm just updating this for myself (and now I know my mom and Grandma Betty - woohoo!) so it's nice to know that people enjoy the updates! xo



March 05, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

It's been so long since I've updated! Reed is understanding so much these days, which causes frustration for him because he's only able to say a few words here and there and answer yes and no. He nods for "yes" which is the cutest thing because his nod is just awkward and bobbly and adorable.

It's been so cold lately, we are so ready for summer! Reed has been telling me when he wants me to wear him in a carrier, or we've been doing that again more lately. It's pretty cute that he can tell me.

Ian had his first sleepover with his cousin Maddox last weekend! They were SO excited! Ian finally fell asleep at 9:45 and Maddox 11!! Here is a picture of them from the monitor they are pretending to roast marshmallows over a pretend campfire. So cute!

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