Baby Reed is Here!!!!!

July 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I'm so excited to say, he's here!! Reed Garrett Van Dusen born June 29th at 2:13pm, 6 pounds 14 ounces, 20 inches long. I feel like I've been waiting for sooooo long for him to arrive. This pregnancy was way different that my first. More emotional, and overall more exhausting. But SO worth it (of course). My mom flew in on June 20th, my due date was June 22nd, and just like that I was a week late. My doctor wanted to induce me on the 29th if I hadn't had him by then. I was pretty confident he would come on his own before then. But he didn't. I was really reluctant to be induced, I just envisioned him coming on his own, and the night before our appointment at the hospital I was hit with all kinds of emotions. But, I knew I didn't want to wait any longer and it all worked out for the best. It just so happens that the day before I delivered him, I had barely felt him move. I had to call in to the on-call doctor because his movements just weren't as strong and frequent as they normally were - one of the main things they ask the mom to pay attention to (especially if you're close to your due date). Anyways, the next morning at the hospital, my doctor said it's a good thing we were inducing, she was worried to hear I called in the night before and it was best to get the baby out that day. So that was it. That's how it happened. I checked in to the hospital, signed some paperwork, and they began inducing labor (with injections of pitocin) around 8:30am. My contractions weren't really progressing, so an hour or so later, my doctor broke my water. Within 30 minutes the contractions progressed, and very fast. I asked for the epidural just in time, it was unbearable by the time it kicked in. I remember looking at Wade and getting teary-eyed saying that I just couldn't wait to hold him. I think I rested for 10 minutes, and the nurses came in and said I was ready to go. I could feel the contractions and him coming, I pushed during 3 contractions and he was out! He was all purple when he came out and they had to rub him really good to get him pink. He was so cute. I never knew my heart could hold so much love. As I write this, he is 4 days old. He's a great baby so far, feeding really well, hardly fusses, and is as cute as can be! He reminds me SO much of Ian when he was born. I think they look very similar.

The next day, Wade brought Ian to the hospital so we could all go home together - I hope a memory I will always hold onto strongly. Ian came running in with a stuffed animal gift for his baby brother, stopped by the side of my hospital bed and just stared at him. His face seemed blank to me at the time, but my friend was there to capture pictures, and looking at the photo, I can read so much on his little face. It was sinking in, and you can see it all over his face. Fascination, wonder, awe. It makes me tear to look at that photo, I love it. Ian got a gift from baby brother, a back-hoe loader which he LOVED. He got to hold him and was so excited to ride home with him (after he tried asking to stay at the hospital). On the car ride home he started saying "look baby brother" and pointing things out to him out the window. It melts my heart.

My heart is so, so, so full.

Here's a link to more photos by our friend, Christine Damman - click here.


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